Friday, June 3, 2011

7 Ideas Which Will Improve Your Job Hunting Skills | Articles Keen

Recently I wrote a series of articles, breaking down the job hunting process and looking in detail, at the specific elements of it. Here I build on those articles and offer 7 quick fire tips which should dramatically reduce the amount of time it takes you to land your next job.

1. Don?t wait till you start looking for a job, before you start looking.

Don?t wait till you need a job before your start looking for a job. You should always keep one eye open on your industry for potential opportunities which may come your way. You?ll be amazed at the jobs which float past you every day, many of them could be the job you?ve always dreamed of. If you are not paying attention though they?ll sail right by.

2. Ensure Your Resume Is Always Ready

Sometimes you just need to be ready to pounce for that dream job. If your resume is always up to date and you are always familiar with its contents, you will be ready. Update it at least twice a year with new skills and experience. You?ll then be ready for those unexpected offers which occasionally present themselves.

3. Pay Particular Attention To Your Professional Network

Keep in touch with all your contacts in the industry. This includes workmates, employers, contacts at employment agencies, contacts in similar companies etc. You never know what other people will be doing tomorrow, or what opportunities they may have for you.

4. No Matter What It Is For, Go To Every Interview Offered

Successful interviewing requires touch and it takes mistakes to get that touch. It is a skill you can only learn through practise. You don?t want to learn these skills when you are being interviewed for your perfect job, you want to make your mistakes with jobs you don?t really care for. So go to every interview you are offered, for no reason other than the practise. If you get offered a job you do not really want, have the courage to decline it.

5. Keep a diary of your experiences.

Job hunting is an evolutionary process. You need to modify your approach to every unique job and as your skills improve. A great tool to help you with this is to diarise your experiences, noting where you did well and where you think you could have done better. Really make an effort to learn from your experiences so each job you go for is a better effort than the last.

6. If You Are Out Of Work, You Still Have A Full Time Job

Yes that is correct, finding employment is now your full time, 9 ? 5 job. Get up at the same time you would if your were employed and spend a full working day, every day, job hunting. It will keep you sharp, which is important when you visit prospective employers.

7. Keep focused

Know what you are looking for and have a clear plan for achieving your goal. Do not accept roles that are different to your goals at the start of your job hunt. This could cost you years in your career.

Finding a new job is never fun. Keep the faith though and good luck with your hunt

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