Saturday, May 28, 2011

Insulin like Growth Factor 1 Effects on the Aging Process


Scientists blame the aging process on our DNA. Within the nucleus of every cell in our bodies are strands of DNA known as chromosomes. These strands of DNA allow the cell to function by providing the coding for the production of hormones, proteins and enzymes that are necessary for the functions of the cell. At the end of each of these chromosomes is a section of known as the Telomere. This is the clock that sets off the aging process.

Every time a cell divides, the telomere at the end of the cell becomes shorter. Programmed cell death (apoptosis) is set off when the telomere is shortened to a certain length. It is therefore believed that aging can be prevented by the restoration of the length of the telomere. Scientists have for a long time concentrated their efforts on finding a substance that can achieve this but have failed to do so.

However, these efforts were not in vain. Scientists were able to discover that the aging process is further accelerated through damage to DNA. DNA is under constant threat and attack by free radicals, heat and ultraviolet light. However, DNA is able to repair itself given ample time and raw material to do so. However, the constant onslaught of these substances causes constant damage to the DNA. In time, the DNA succumbs to the constant wear and tear and is unable to repair itself as before.

Insulin like growth factor 1 has been found to be able assist DNA in this repair. In the past, antioxidants were thought to be the most effective method of preventing damage to the DNA by free radicals. However, recent studies have shown that insulin like growth factor 1 goes a step further than the antioxidants. Insulin like growth factor 1 provides DNA and RNA with the raw materials required for repair.

Insulin like growth factor 1 acts as a carrier for nucleic acids to the nucleus where they are used for the repair of damaged RNA and DNA. They are also used in the formation of new DNA and RNA molecules during cell division and the formation of proteins.

The results of this process can be further enhanced by using insulin like growth factor 1 in combination with Human Growth Hormone. The two hormones act as carriers for amino acids into the cytoplasm for the production of proteins.

insulin like growth factor 1



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