Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Cure found out for Brain cancer. - Amazing facts|Inventions and ...

Do you think Fark.com stands up to the reputation that surrounds it as a source of news material?

I keep reading rave reviews about Fark.com, a social news aggregator of amusing stories submitted by hoards of new enthusiasts.

I dug and dug but I came out empty handed. Nothing inspired me to write. May be I should look elsewhere to blog about for this blog of amusing and fun facts and news. However, the sources of news in Fark are quite note worthy that include Reuters, MSNBC, CNN among other major players of world news.

Cure found our for Brain cancer
oh! I got something at last from Fark that is news worthy. At the Alberta University, a few researchers have found that a drug called Dichloroacetate (DCA) may cure a form a Brain cancer which is generally considered as one of the deadliest human diseases.

Oh, do you want to know the name of the brain cancer? It is called ' glioblastoma'.

The report is published at the journal Science Translational Medicine......

Read the rest here

Source: http://www.izitso.net/2011/05/cure-found-our-for-brain-cancer.html

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