Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Graph of Chinese Oil Consumption

Canadian Value Investor: Graph of Chinese Oil Consumption


Introducing the CVI - Punch Card Portfolio Newsletter

I write a weekly investment newsletter. This newsletter involves the development of a focused portfolio of undervalued securities. The subscription price will be $10 per month (cancel any time). Every investment idea I recommend will be one I purchase for my own portfolio. If you have questions prior to subscribing shoot me an e-mail ( the newsletter contains (as of Jan 1, 2012) the "Homerun Portfolio" which is focused on investments with multi-bagger upside. These investments contain more risk and require more diversification but also potential for giant returns.

Please note I'm running a low-tech operation and that the newsletter is sent by me via e-mail. There will be a delay between when you pay and when you receive your first e-mail (usually a couple of hours).

Graph of Chinese Oil Consumption


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