Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tourney of the Aura

Tourney of the Aura

On a world where your entire being makes up your power, you have been forced to clash with other humans, aliens, and even angels and demons because of a very odd man, who will grant the deepest wish of the victor...


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This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Tourney of the Aura"

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Bring the Octomom in here, we're having three cheese baby tonight!
...If anything I say in these forums comes off as rude or insulting, just remember that I said "three cheese baby", and it'll all be okay.

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I hope my character is alright. If you need me to change anything, I'll do it right away. :D

Hey, Hey, Papa! Could I have some Wine?
Hey, Hey, Mama, Hey, Hey, Mama!
It doesn't matter what I do, I never forget,
The taste of Bolognese that won't get out of my head!

Draw a Circle, That's The Earth!
Draw a Circle, That's The Earth!
Draw a Circle, That's The Earth!
I am Italia!

Ahh! This world around us can be seen with just the stroke of a single brush..
And now, We have a toast with our boots!
Hetalia! ~

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heyo, darkness! :)

Thinking of doing this...seems interesting :)

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