Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I Hate Multiple Sclerosis - Multiple Sclerosis Blog

Have you ever needed to vent off steam? Have you ever wanted to say the things that you know you?re not ?supposed? to say even though they are true? Have you ever tried only to be met with an unknowing response from someone who just doesn?t get it? Have you been looking for a place where you can safely scream at multiple sclerosis without someone admonishing you for whining?

Well, then; you?re in luck. Today?s blog is just the place to let it all fly. Mom may have told us never to use the word ?Hate?. Sorry mom; MS is something to hate.

I Hate Multiple Sclerosis.

I hate what is does to me, I hate what it does to my friends, I hate what it does to my family. I hate my symptoms, I hate my pall?s symptoms, I hate your symptoms. I hate that I have to explain to others my disease even when I cannot understand it myself. I hate the questions, I hate the answers, and I hate when there are no answers.

I hate that MS makes me question myself and my abilities. I hate that this morning was different than yesterday and that tomorrow will be different again.

I hate that Anyone thinks that they can understand my MS.

I hate being on meds, I hate being off meds, I hate what meds do to me, and I hate what meds don?t do for me. I hate the decision process about medications, I hate the expense of the medications I hate that there is no cure.

I hate when people lash out at those organizations who are trying to help us, I hate when organizations say they?re trying to help but fight with other organizations about who helps better and I hate that some people would rather complain about the way things are rather than get involved and help change things for the better.

I hate that sometimes hyper-sensitivity has me feeling too much and that sometimes numbness has me not feeling at all. I hate that numbers can seem as foreign as the Cyrillic alphabet and that faces and names often orbit rather than attach. I hate what MS does to my Brain and I hate what it has done to my Mind.

I hate ?it could be worse. I hate that the people who say they have ?cured? their MS are wrong. I hate that I have not cured my own MS. I hate that no one else has cured my MS, our MS? ALL MS!

I hate that the best I can do isn?t a fraction of what I was able to do. I hate celebrating the effort the way I used to acknowledge success. I hate having the energy of a person twice my age and I hate all the reasons I?m tired.

I hate the hopeful promises and I hate the stark reality. I hate that best-case-scenario isn?t good enough and I hate that worst-case is more than some of us can bear to think about.

I hate having the anger of a generation inside of me.

I hate that so many of us need this site because it?s one of the few places that we could even be having this kind of a conversation for fear that someone will think us pitying ourselves. Who are they? They don?t live in the shell of our former selves. You want to judge us? Walk a few paces in his leg brace, hobble around with her cane, try to get around with my forearm crutches. You think we?re doing it all wrong? You try to load a scooter into the back of a car, You rely on someone for the most intimate parts of your day. YOU DON?T KNOW US?

Anger is not a productive emotion. Hate is not a good emotion to harbor. Bottling stuff like this up can lead to 650 words of vial sputum. I do feel better, however. I invite all of you to breathe deeply and expectorate your hate for MS all over the comments section.

You?ll be surprised how much freer your next breath will feel.

By the way, I love our Life With MS Blog community. I want to make sure you all know that.

Wishing you and your family the best of health.



Don?t forget that you can also follow me via our Life With MS Facebook page, on Twitter, and our new group on MS Connection.org. Check out our bi-monthly blog for the UK and look for our Very Special new monthly blog for the National MS Society. And don?t forget to check out TrevisLGleason.com.

Source: http://www.everydayhealth.com/blog/trevis-life-with-multiple-sclerosis-ms/i-hate-multiple-sclerosis/

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Work From Home Ideas

Work From Home Ideas

Article by Grace Lugard

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You don?t need to have a lot of experience to start a work from home business, nor do you need to have large amounts of money, you do need to have some basic computer skills. If you can be able to devote a few hours a week to run your business, then you are up for a great start.

With rising gas prices, the cost of commuting has gone high. If you live in the city, having to deal with rush hour traffic about twenty times a month is not only stressful, but expensive. Taking the bus might be an option you are considering, but buses aren?t always on time and you may not want to deal with some of the people on the bus. The best option you can consider is starting your own home business. Here are five work from home ideas that are guaranteed to assist you with a home business:

1. Sell Products Online: If the idea of opening a retail store appeals to you, but you prefer to work from the comfort of your home, this is the work from home idea for you. Determine the product you want to sell, then find a reliable company to purchase inventory from. Even if you want to hand-craft products, such as jewelry, you will need to obtain the materials first. Once you have found a reliable, cost-efficient company to purchase inventory from, set up a website to market your product. Make sure your website contains no errors, is professional, and is easy to navigate; otherwise, visitors won?t stay long. Use social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, to your advantage. The more hits your site gets, the more products you will sell, which means more money in your pocket.

2. Offer a Service Online: You can offer many different services online, such as editing papers, reviewing legal documents, providing graphic designs, and creating architectural blueprints. Make a list of your talents, interests, and qualifications. Then, determine a way can you use them to offer a service online.

3. Become an eBook Publisher: Writing eBooks from home can be a great way to earn money, because eBooks are easily transferred over the Internet without the hassle of having to ship the product. If writing isn?t your forte or you don?t want to write, you can hire a ghostwriter.

4. Open a Theme-Based-Content Website: For this work from home idea, you build a website on any topic that interests you and that you?re educated about. Once your website is user-friendly and error-free, use Internet marketing techniques to build traffic. After the traffic is sufficient, enroll in the Google AdSense program that allows website owners to display advertisements on their sites. When visitors click on the ads, you make money.

5. Market Affiliate Products and Services: Marketing affiliate products and services is similar to being a salesperson paid on a commission basis. You market a company?s products and services through affiliate links on the Internet. When your marketing develops a sale, you are paid part of the money. This is nice because you don?t have to do the selling yourself, and you don?t have to deal with the customer.

Whether you want to offer your services online, sell unique products on the Internet, become an eBook publisher, open a theme-based-content website, or market affiliate products and services, three things are crucial for the success of any type of home business. Research the method you choose, so that you can make more money than the person who didn?t do their research. Take advantage of social networking, so that you can increase the number of potential customers. Lastly, do something you?re passionate about, so that your enjoyment increases the quality of your work. People are at their best, when they enjoy not only the work environment, but the content of the work.

About the Author

Get advice, tips and information on starting or growing your own business.http://www.gracebiz.com

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author?s information and copyright must be included.

Grace Lugard

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Get advice, tips and information on starting or growing your own business.http://www.gracebiz.com

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More info: improveverywhere.com Like us on Facebook: facebook.com For our latest mission, six undercover actors burst into song in a grocery store in Queens. Three minutes and lots of silly choreography later, they returned to their roles as shoppers and stock boys. The mission was filmed with hidden robotic, lipstick, and wearable cameras. The song was played over the store?s PA system live. Song by Scott Brown & Anthony King: gutenbergthemusical.com This is one of nearly 100 different missions Improv Everywhere has executed over the past eight years in New York City. Others include Frozen Grand Central, the Food Court Musical, and the famous No Pants Subway Ride, to name a few. Visit the website to see tons of photos and video of all of our work, including behind the scenes information on how this video was made. www.improveverywhere.com Be the first to find out about the next video we create by subscribing to our YouTube channel youtube.com RSS feed: www.improveverywhere.com You can also join our Facebook group: facebook.com Or follow us on twitter: twitter.com Buy the new Improv Everywhere book: www.amazon.com

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Tags ? Author Guidelines, Author Title, Cost Of Commuting, Craft Products, Different Services, Facebook, from, Home, Home Idea, Ideas, Lugard, Money In Your Pocket, Old Shoe, Publisher Guidelines, Reliable Company, Rising Gas Prices, Rush Hour Traffic, Set Up A Website, Social Networking Sites, Starting Your Own Home Business, Twenty Times, Twitter, work, Work From Home Ideas

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

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People, are actually getting acquainted with need for purchasing any adverse health denver health insurance plan that also marks beginning of rate race among articles Some state that when silver is absorbed through skin, it cures muscular aches. A dog owner isn? t necessarily readily available for their Lots of customers finish up receiving uncomfortable surprises once they think they are able to depend on the health insurance plan, which really isn? The reply is quite simple to guess in line with the concepts of profitability from the running business. Example, whenever we obtain a headache How you can Meet any adverse health Allowable Among the primary aspects of just as one educated consumer is understanding your wellbeing insurance policy.

Source: http://curryrecipe-jp.net/health-2/home-health-care-dallas/

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Everyone hates billboards - except the Bill Stouffer camp

Politicians run on a variety of platforms and issues, but Bill Stouffer's may be the most ingenious yet. Stouffer, a Republican candidate for Missouri secretary of state, is focusing a big part of his campaign around saving the state's roadside billboards, a stance that, if nothing else, has earned the candidate a whole lot of free advertising.

Stouffer has secured an estimated $118,000 in free advertising through Missouri billboard owners. The majority of that support has come through Lamar Companies, one of Missouri's largest billboard owners, and the Missouri Outdoor Advertising Association has also thrown its support behind his campaign.

While many are less than enthusiastic about billboards, Stouffer and his campaign make a point of praising the advantages of outdoor advertising. "Billboards promote the state and promote tourism," Chasen Bullock, Stouffer's campaign manager, said. "That's why [Stouffer has] been a long time supporter of billboards."

At the base rate of $1,500 that Lamar's website quotes for four weeks' ownership of a one-panel billboard in Missouri, Stouffer's campaign has amassed about 78 billboards' worth of donations from billboard companies alone. A representative of the Missouri Outdoor Advertising Association estimated that there were between 8,800 and 8,900 billboards in Missouri as of this spring.

Want a different take on politics? Check out OTUS on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @OTUSNews. As a state senator, Stouffer pushed through legislation that allowed electronic billboards and that protected existing billboards from being destroyed during highway expansions. The money-saving measure, which, according to Huffington Post reports, could save Missouri $60 million in billboard destruction costs by allowing governments to choose to relocate them instead, a much more cost-effective strategy. The move has also saved Stouffer a bundle in campaign costs this year.

Bullock believes that Stouffer's record will help him not only in terms of fundraising, but also come November. "This bill saved taxpayer dollars," he said. "Any bill that saves taxpayers helps communicate with the voters." While that may be true, Stouffer's billboard-friendly stance may not go over well with some voters - many drivers feel less than friendly toward what's been called the "spam of the open road."

While not a conventional donation, Stouffer's campaign will certainly still benefit from free billboard space, according to Bullock. "Our donors decided to help out our campaign by donating billboard space - and we are utilizing it as part of our discussions with voters," he said.

Stouffer's platform focuses on protecting small Missouri businesses, and with money-saving legislation under his belt, the campaign is confident that its message will reach voters this time around as well. And, you know, the free billboards don't hurt.

Stouffer faces two opponents in the Aug. 7 Republican primary. The nominee will then square off against Democratic Rep. Jason Kander in November.

Also Read

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/everyone-hates-billboards-except-bill-stouffer-campaign-194202387--abc-news-politics.html

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Lab-Grown Blood Vessels May Improve Heart Bypass

WEDNESDAY, July 25 (HealthDay News) -- Researchers have grown small blood vessels in a lab using stem cells from fat gathered through liposuction. Such cultured blood vessels might someday play a role in transplant operations, including heart bypass surgery.

In bypass surgery, transplanted blood vessels are used to reroute blood around severely blocked arteries. Current techniques have limitations, however, and these preliminary study results suggest that tissue-engineered blood vessels might help doctors surmount certain hurdles, the researchers said.

Many more steps are involved before heart surgery patients can benefit from this technique, said study author Dr. Matthias Nollert, an associate professor at the University of Oklahoma School of Chemical, Biological and Materials Engineering, in Norman, Okla.

"First, we will need to make a fully functional vessel. Ours works, but does not yet achieve physiological mechanical properties," he said. "[Then] we will need to show that stem cells obtained from old, sick people can also be used to make a functional vessel and that this works in an animal model."

All in all, "we are still five to 10 years away from seeing this being tested in people," Nollert said. But the researchers hope to have a prototype ready for animal testing by early next year.

Ultimately, millions of patients with cardiovascular disease could benefit, the researchers said.

"We are targeting elderly, obese or diabetic patients in need of coronary artery bypass graft surgery," Nollert said. "For these patients, the gold standard is a vascular graft, but for many there are no suitable vessels available."

The findings are scheduled for presentation Wednesday at an American Heart Association meeting in New Orleans. Data and conclusions presented at medical meetings should be considered preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed medical journal.

For the study, researchers using liposuction extracted adult stem cells from fat and turned them into smooth muscle cells. Adult stem cells are considered to be undifferentiated, which means they hold the potential to morph into specialized cell types. Liposuction is a common cosmetic surgery procedure in which doctors use a small needle to remove excess fat from under the skin by suction.

The extracted cells were "seeded" onto a very thin collagen membrane. As they multiplied, researchers rolled them into tubes with the diameter of small blood vessels (3 millimeters). In three to four weeks, they were able to grow usable blood vessels.

Such lab-grown vessels with "off-the-shelf availability" could overcome problems associated with grafting blood vessels from the patient's body or from using artificial blood vessels, the researchers believe.

Many bypass patients are readmitted to the hospital because of complications from surgery, and about 40 percent of these readmissions are caused by problems at the donor site, not the heart artery, Nollert said.

"By developing a tissue-engineered vessel using the patient's own cells, we would eliminate the need to use a donor vessel," he said.

Current small-vessel grafts also carry an inherent risk of clotting, rejection or failure to function normally, he added.

Other experts agree that engineered blood vessels could fill a need for patients with cardiovascular disease.

"It is very hard to bypass small vessels in the heart," said Dr. Roberto Bolli, an American Heart Association spokesman and chief of cardiology at the University of Louisville in Kentucky. "If these cells prove useful, it will be very easy to collect through liposuction."

One potential downside is that these blood vessels take time to grow in the lab. "They would not be available immediately, but you could bank your own cells and keep them until the time comes that you need them," Bolli added.

Dr. Stephen Green, chief of cardiology at North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset, N.Y., is cautiously optimistic about the implications of the new findings.

"It's a big deal and a potentially game-changing thing," he said. "But this is a first step, and we are far removed from Mrs. Jones having bypass [surgery] with a lab-grown blood vessel."

The need for the small-diameter blood vessels is tremendous, Green said. Many bypass patients don't have veins to use. "You can run out of appropriate veins," he said, "especially if this is a repeat operation."

More information

The U.S. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute has more about coronary artery bypass grafting.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/lab-grown-blood-vessels-may-improve-heart-bypass-210511881.html

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thailand holds interest rate but says ready to act

Thailand's central bank left its benchmark interest rate unchanged at 3.0 percent on Wednesday, warning that the worsening global economic situation was weighing on Asian exports.

The Bank of Thailand said it stood ready to act if needed, but stopped short of following in the footsteps of some other Asian central banks by easing official borrowing costs.

"Risks to the global economy increased further as weaknesses in consumer spending and the labour market dampened US economic growth, while a comprehensive resolution to the eurozone crisis remained elusive," BoT assistant governor Paiboon Kittisrikangwan said in a statement.

"A slowing global economy weighed on Asian and Chinese exports, which continued to soften. Waning global demand was reflected in moderating global price pressure."

The Bank trimmed its growth forecasts for the Thai economy in 2012 to 5.7 percent, from a previous projection of 6.0 percent, and lowered its prediction for 2013 to 5.0 percent, from 5.4 percent.

It lowered interest rates in January and November to stimulate the economy following floods which devastated large swathes of the kingdom last year, temporarily shutting down many factories.

The Thai economy has recovered steadily from the floods and was "close to potential", supported by lower interest rates, good employment opportunities and government stimulus measures, Paiboon said.

"These factors should continue to sustain private consumption and investment expenditures going forward," he added.

But in a possible sign of another rate cut in the future, two members of the bank's seven-person monetary policy committee voted in favour of a quarter-point reduction at Wednesday's meeting.

Thailand's economy grew 11 percent in the first quarter of 2012 from the previous three-month period, rebounding sharply from the fallout of last year's devastating floods, according to an official estimate.

Inflation slowed to about 2.5 percent in April, from 3.5 percent in March.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/thailand-holds-interest-rate-says-ready-act-161551284--finance.html

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Robberies lead to closing of Scott Credit Union in Cahokia

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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/vertical_10/~3/Pq5m697vLU4/robberies-lead-to-closing-of-scott.html

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tourney of the Aura

Tourney of the Aura

On a world where your entire being makes up your power, you have been forced to clash with other humans, aliens, and even angels and demons because of a very odd man, who will grant the deepest wish of the victor...


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Bring the Octomom in here, we're having three cheese baby tonight!
...If anything I say in these forums comes off as rude or insulting, just remember that I said "three cheese baby", and it'll all be okay.

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I hope my character is alright. If you need me to change anything, I'll do it right away. :D

Hey, Hey, Papa! Could I have some Wine?
Hey, Hey, Mama, Hey, Hey, Mama!
It doesn't matter what I do, I never forget,
The taste of Bolognese that won't get out of my head!

Draw a Circle, That's The Earth!
Draw a Circle, That's The Earth!
Draw a Circle, That's The Earth!
I am Italia!

Ahh! This world around us can be seen with just the stroke of a single brush..
And now, We have a toast with our boots!
Hetalia! ~

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heyo, darkness! :)

Thinking of doing this...seems interesting :)

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Monday, July 23, 2012

Cabinetry Ventura is the Cabinetry Solution | Article Bush

Cabinets are a big part of everyone?s lives. Often people fail to realize how important cabinetry can be. Keeping in mind the hundreds of items that homes contain, it is rather fascinating how each of these items are sorted out into special places at home. There is always a cabinet, a drawer or a closet that holds certain items. These classifications help make sense. It helps people save time and know exactly where the stuff they need is stored. It also helps in keeping the house neat and clean.

There are many kinds of cabinets. There are some that have the sole purpose of decorating, while others are slightly more multipurpose because they provide ample space for storage and also help in making the room in which they are situated look great. There are many varieties in between as well. This flexibility and range in cabinets give rise to a proper field of interest known as Cabinetry. A great example of cabinetry is Cabinetry Ventura, which has developed after strong collaboration with cabinet manufacturers. These manufacturers include both domestic and prominent international names. With the help of a diverse set of minds, Cabinetry Ventura has developed into a proper and developed producer base.

Cabinetry Ventura is a branch of cabinetry that has all the wonderful styles and designs that cabinetry itself takes pride in. Created solely for the North American market, it understands the needs of its customers very well. People in this field know exactly what the customers want, what styles they prefer and what designs attract them the most. This is the result of many years of experience and closeness with the end consumers. Without spending time on research and development it is not possible to have such deep knowledge about the customer base. The price range is also highly reasonable and objection-free. After many years of dealing with people and delivering high quality, companies working under the umbrella of Cabinetry Ventura have figured out the affordability and spending habits of their customers.

There are many people that need cabinetry. One of them is the end consumers who purchases different kinds of cabinetry for home use. Such cabinets can be put up in bedrooms, bathrooms and kitchens. They are reserved for personal and home. However, there are many commercial users of cabinetry as well. Examples include: offices, shops, showrooms and classrooms. For these commercial purposes cabinets are usually bought by home improvement contractors, interior designers and other developers. They all need to have high quality cabinetry that will make their project, which may be an office or a classroom, look beautiful and make use of limited space.

To make good use of Cabinetry Ventura one should look for the most trusted company with a good track record. A recommendation is Cabinet Sense, cabinetsense.com, which has a great variety and low prices. Visit their website cabinetsense.com for more information.

Cabinet Sense Inc.
2221 Madera Road, Unit B
Simi Valley, CA 93065
E-mail: info@cabinetsense.com
Phone: (877) 240-6700
Website: http://www.cabinetsense.com/cabinets/index.php

Source: http://www.healthylivin.us/2012/07/cabinetry-ventura-is-the-cabinetry-solution/

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Five Reasons To See 'The Dark Knight Rises'

In the wake of the Colorado shooting, there's still reason to see the final installment of Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy.
By Amy Wilkinson

Christian Bale in "The Dark Knight Rises"
Photo: Warner Bros.

Source: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1690152/dark-knight-rises-highlights.jhtml

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The Perks of Laminate and Hardwood Flooring for LA House Owners

Hardwood and laminate floor surfaces are best choices to pick from when creating your fantasy home or when undertaking a remodel specifically in Los Angeles, which is a famous hub for society and fashion in the globe. Both choices have their very own specific attributes and positive aspects, and both ensure that your aesthetic demands are achieved. Right here are some information and facts about laminate and hardwood flooring:

In case you're choosing a vintage and classy ambience, hardwood can quickly provide this. This natural, stunning product is offered in a comprehensive range of styles, and one of the most prominent is the amazing Brazilian Walnut. Also known as Ipe, this tree is produced in Latin American countries like Peru, Venezuela, Brazil, and Bolivia. This material further can be found in a selection of colors and will definitely suit your home's color palette.

In what spot the Brazilian Walnut is cultivated significantly impacts its color. Shades consist of light yellow, tan, and darker, deep brown. If the product was finished with a clear grade, this flooring comes to be reddish brown. However, with an oil-based finish, it exudes a strong brown shade. Should you want to retain the natural color, you can choose a water-based glaze which is best to conserve the hardwood. Over time, Brazilian Walnut normally darkens to a medium, richer dark brown. If ever you're interested in hardwood floor coverings, you can easily consult with your flooring specialist for brands that are dependable and cost effective.

A rather less expensive choice to hardwood would be laminate floor coverings. With laminate, you can get the sensational look and impressive function of hardwood at a much lower price. Laminate flooring is formed of 4 factors bound under immense pressure, with a waterproof layer to withstand wet conditions. The core is a high density fiberboard that provides the laminate its strength; a high resolution appearance is the last flair that offers its fantastic luster.

Although the laminate flooring Los Angeles residents can possess is not made from genuine hardwood, this product is able to very much mirror hardwood sorts like chestnut, pine, oak, and maple. Laminate also has a scratch and impression resistant clear coating, making it one of the most resistant flooring kinds you can possess. It also gets better as laminate is practically maintenance free.

If ever you have not decided on what sort of laminate or hardwood flooring Los Angeles service providers can install in your house, you can check with them for design ideas to suit your inclinations and finances. They will definitely walk you through various forms, colors and materials to guarantee that you acquire the greatest flooring for your house. Through the brand-new laminate and hardwood floors Los Angeles houses can use, you can easily make your house much more beautiful and comfy to stay in. For even more details on hardwood flooring, go to builddirect.com.

For more details, search hardwood flooring los angeles, hardwood floors los angeles, laminate flooring los angeles in Google for related information.

Keywords: hardwood flooring los angeles, hardwood floors los angeles, laminate flooring los angeles

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

MAZ, the iPad magazine publishing startup - Business Insider

When you jam a bunch of ex-Apple designers and smart engineers into the same company, the outcome is usually pretty good.

That's still true with MAZ, a New York-based startup that's building a way for publishers to quickly roll out iPad applications for their publications.

That includes the likes of magazines like Inc, but it's also expanding to other kinds of publishing ? like books, internal documents and even websites.

We caught up with co-founder Paul Canetti to find out what they're working on. Here's what we learned:

  • MAZ is stacked with ex-Apple designers and Adobe engineers. All of them have experience in design and publishing, and it's literally a bi-hemisphere team ? with a big group in India.
  • For publishers, it's easier to get spotted on the App Store than the web. If you search for a magazine on Google, you're likely to get a ton of results. You might find exactly what you're looking for on the App Store, and publishers have a higher chance of getting spotted.
  • MAZ is entirely bootstrapped. Like most startups, it began with just a random idea ? the founders weren't really thinking of it as building a startup.

Here's a lightly edited transcript of the interview:?

BUSINESS INSIDER: So what kind of a background do you have? Why did you get into publishing??

PAUL CANETTI: I was always into technology as a kid. I was lucky enough to be essentially home-schooled in design by my dad, who was an industrial designer and a professor of graphic design. He would teach me about design and was buying the latest design software. We had a Mac in the house early on but he had no idea how to use the computer. I learned all the design software and would teach it to him and he would teach me the old-school principles of design. Arguably, he was a much better teach than I was.

From there, I did a lot of freelance graphic design work. Mostly corporate identity stuff and a lot of web design. Really I found I took a liking to magazine design and layout design. I was at Apple for a few years and saw the whole app craze happen from behind the curtain, and then left into the private sector to see if I could make a go of it in the app world from the app side. It's amazing the attention that Apple pays to even the smallest thing, like all its employees using the same terms for everything. When the iPhone came out, we had to create the material so everyone started using the term "tap" instead of the term "click." That's very purposeful, all of that comes from the top and they really pay attention to that stuff.?

BI: What made you want to start MAZ?

PC: After leaving Apple, I was doing some freelance app development with a good friend of mine who ended up co-founding with me. As soon as the iPad was announced, we started to get inquiries from publishers. We were not especially well known, we were just guys in New York that make apps. But everyone wanted to publish on the iPad. We quickly learned that there wasn't a good way of doing that short of hiring a developer to code every piece of content. There was no good system that existed to manage digital content.

The iPad was released in April 2010 but we started in July 2010. After a couple of months of talking to these publishers, we decided to create this platform. Now we work with book publishers, magazine publishers, catalogue, B2B, even in our own minds the definition of publishers is constantly expanding. We aim to be the go-to platform of any publisher that wants to publish on a Tablet.

BI: What does MAZ actually do?

PC: Basically, MAZ allows the publisher to create a native iPad app and update or add new content over time, including interactive and multimedia content, without coding. That's really the main focus, there's no programming, there's no technical knowledge involved, the tools are aimed at content creators, creative people, the same sorts of people that would make content for any other medium. We take the programmers out of the equation.?The way it works, you upload a PDF and you use MAZ to make it dance.

'We take the programmers out of the equation.?The way it works, you upload a PDF and you use MAZ to make it dance."

The PDF is designed in advance exactly how you want it to be, our publisher will dress it up or dress it down. You might have a PDF that is identical to a print product, that's one end of the spectrum. But you also create a design that has tons of buttons, we call them triggers. A play icon that triggers a video, a buy now button that triggers a point of purchase. That's all baked in to the design using whatever design software you prefer, and you let designers stick with their normal workflow. Then you use MAZ to activate those buttons, that play button can actually create a video ??and you can decide, is it a video in the page, is it a fullscreen video, or if you want to include a game that can be pulled from the web, but for the end-user it doesn't appear to be a website.

We allow publishers to use their existing design tools and integrate that with things from the web. You get the experience of a well-designed page with the power of the web, and we have the analytics side tracking how people actually read these pages ? including downloads and views and also navigation patterns.??

BI: What kind of team are you running with??

PC: Simon, my co-founder, and I were friends, we met in middle school and formed a friendship based around our shared love for early web development.We were two sides of the same coin ? I was the design guy and Simon was the coding guy. I went on into a career more centered around design, Simon was doing back-end web infrastructure. After I left Apple we ended up teaming up, from there we met our third partner, Shika Arora, and Shika was at Adobe at the time. She was a lead engineer of the inDesign team ? most magazines and books, the layout designers are using inDesign. She had a lot of experience creating software for designers. She was working right outside Delhi at Adobe and we met on LinkedIn, which is pretty amazing, and started a relationship from there.

The three of us really put together a whole platform and now we've built out the team. We have another designer from Apple, more people form Adobe, as we build our team we're just trying to bring together the best possible people to create the ultimate reading experiences on tablets and mobile.

BI: What kind of traction have you seen so far?

PC: It's been great, the first nine months or so were spent underground sitting on the floor with large beards coding in a dark cave. We launched the product in April of last year. We had a few brave souls that used it at first but the traction has really taken off in the last six months or so. Everything they say about getting a minimally viable product out into the market, it's really true. We do it by accident, when every startup launches they think the product is finished and that is definitely never, ever true.

"When every startup launches they think the product is finished and that is definitely never, ever true."

When you finally launch that product, that's not the end of the tunnel at all. We're very lucky that so many publishers have taken notice, we're now working with hundreds of publishers in forty different countries around the world, ranging from Estonia to Brazil and China.

We publish Inc magazine, that's probably our most well-known title. We also work with some international titles, like an Iranian architecture digest. We're really across the board and it's amazing to learn about some of these titles. I could list them forever: City Journal, Ju-Jitsu magazine, a UK magazine that's only about alcohol, Free Surf? you can really get ultra-niche.

What's so cool about the App Store, if you search for surfing on Google, you'll get billions of pages. But if you look on the App Store, you're likely to get Free Surf magazine. They have an equal chance of being found. That's something that's really unique about the App ecosystem, there's an evening of the play field in a way that the web once promised. The App Store is bringing that back a little, especially these niche brands and they're finding some new content providers.

BI: So what's next??

PC:?One of the things that is new, I don't think of it as new, but we just released it last week is a new feature called clippings ??it's a social-media based feature that allows you to clip an area of the page much like a magazine and share it via twitter and Facebook and email. You can cut out any area of any page with two fingers, whether it's a quote or a face or a block of text and share it via social media. That's an update we just submitted to Apple.

We're working on a lot of stuff, mostly cross-platform compatibility and integrating more with web content. We're interested in expanding our definition of publishers, exploring how the web is gonna integrate with the world of apps and that's a big opportunity for us and publishers as well. When there's a physical separation of a paper product and a web product it was easier. But now that we're dealing with digital print, there's a lot less distance between a web product and a digital print product, that's an area we're looking to explore.

Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/this-startup-run-by-ex-apple-designers-is-about-to-change-the-entire-publishing-industry-2012-7

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Romney?s International Listening Tour: England, Israel and Poland in Six Days

CORRECTION:?This article originally misstated the dates of Lech Walesa's presidency.

WOLFEBORO, N.H. -- Mitt Romney embarks Tuesday on a six-day trip to England, Israel, and Poland, offering Americans a glimpse of how he might perform on the world stage if he?s elected president.?

The presumptive Republican nominee and former Massachusetts governor will meet with the leaders of all three countries, other government officials, opposition leaders, and at least one U.S. ambassador. He plans to attend the opening ceremony of the Olympics, visit sites of historical significance, and hold public events in at least two of the countries.

Aides say Romney does not view the trip as an opportunity to roll out any new policy proposals. "This trip is an opportunity for the governor to listen and learn, to visit countries that share common values, common interests, and I should say in many cases shared heritage with people here in the United States," Romney's policy director, Lanhee Chen, told reporters in a conference call previewing the trip.?

Romney does plan to lay out some of his foreign policy ideas in a speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars annual conference in Reno, Nev. on Tuesday, before leaving for London.? While Romney is likely to highlight differences in his approach to international relations relative to Obama, he is expected to refrain from attacking Obama while traveling abroad.?

Romney will not stop at either of America's war zones, Iraq or Afghanistan, a decision the campaign says was made in part because of time constraints.? Romney did travel to Afghanistan in 2011 when he met with President Hamid Karzai and a range of U.S. officials, including General David Petraeus, who was then the Commander of the International Security Assistance Force.??

Here's a look at each stop on Romney's upcoming trip:


Romney will attend the opening ceremonies of the London Olympics, and will try to watch a few of the sporting events as well.? Aides say Romney has been looking forward to this moment, pointing out his strong ties to the Olympic movement since he took over the struggling 2002 Salt Lake City games in 1999 and turned them into a success. Romney's wife, Ann, owns a horse that will compete in the dressage category of this year's Olympics, though Romney will not likely be able to attend that event.?

Romney will also meet with British leaders, including Prime Minister David Cameron, Chancellor of Exchequer George Osborne, foreign secretary William Hague, Labor Leader Ed Miliband and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg.? He'll also meet with former Prime Minister Tony Blair and may try to fit in meetings with other world leaders who are in town for the Olympics, if schedules can be coordinated.?

Romney will also attend two fundraisers while in London with U.S. citizens who live abroad.? According to The Washington Post, the hosts of the fundraisers are largely lobbyists and executives from financial institutions, some of which are tied to the Libor rate-fixing scandal. The New York Times reported that 11 members of Parliament, upset that some Barclays bank executives were fundraising for Romney amid the scandal that has rocked their bank, signed a resolution calling on Barclays executives to stop political fundraising and ?concentrate entirely on repairing confidence and trust in the banking system instead.?


Romney has been to Israel three times in the past, on a family visit in the late 1990s and, in 2007 and 2011, on fact-finding trips focused on security and economic issues.

On this trip, he?ll meet first with Daniel Shapiro, the U.S. Ambassador to Israel, who will give him a briefing.? Romney will also meet with Israeli officials including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Shimon Peres, and will also sit down with Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad. He has met them all on previous trips.

While aides say Romney will not specifically criticize the president's Middle East policy while he is in Israel, he will continue to make the case for standing with Israel - as he often does on the campaign trail.?? "America needs to stand by its allies, particularly allies that are under siege like Israel, particularly democratic allies who have such a shared history and shared values with America," Dan Senor, a special adviser on foreign policy, told reporters in previewing Romney's message.?

Romney will also have to walk a fine line should the topic of Syria arise.? The New York Times reported that American officials held talks with Israeli defense officials this week over the possibility that Israel might attack Syrian weapons facilities in a pre-emptive move to prevent Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from using them against his own people. According to the Times, U.S. officials worry that such an attack could give Assad a mobilizing tool.


Romney?s final destination is Poland, where he will meet with the current leadership, including President Bronis?aw Komorowski, Prime Minister Donald Tusk, and Foreign Minister Rados?aw Sikorski.? Romney will also meet with Lech Walesa, the former Polish president and winner of the 1983 Nobel Peace Prize.? Walesa, who was president from 1990 to 1995 and oversaw Poland?s transition out of communism, was the one who invited Romney to visit his country.?

Ian Brzezinski, another Romney adviser, said the visit to Poland will highlight an important alliance that is ?rich in history? ?-- from Polish support for the American revolution all the way through Iraq and Afghanistan, where the country has sent troops to assist in the U.S.-led war efforts.? Romney will also point to country?s economic success, which he will say stems from free market principles and capitalism ? the themes he pushes on the campaign trail at home.

?This is a country that stands in sharp contrast economically to the rest of Europe where economies are dropping by about 5% or more,? Brzezinski told reporters.





Source: http://news.yahoo.com/romney-international-listening-tour-england-israel-poland-six-000505480.html

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From the Monitor's archives: Man walks on moon (+video)

Friday marks the 43 anniversary of the Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin's historic landing on the surface of the moon. This is the front-page story that ran in the Christian Science Monitor on Jul 22, 1969.

By Richard L. Strout,?Staff Correspondent of the Christian Science Monitor / July 20, 2012

This July 20, 1969 photo shows astronaut Edwin E. "Buzz" Aldrin Jr. posing for a photograph beside the U.S. flag deployed on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission.

Neil A. Armstrong/NASA/AP/File


Man walked on the moon and made it look easy.

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Now mankind must find something new to dream about.

There were two peaks- of drama as Astronauts Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. completed the first part of their great adventure, and command pilot Michael Collins, almost forgotten, circled about them.

[At this writing, the blast-off of the Apollo 11 astronauts from Tranquillity base and their docking maneuver were yet to come.]

The first was as the two astronauts separated their spidery spacecraft ?Eagle? from the command ship ?Columbia? and made their hazardous descent. Hundreds of millions on earth heard the interchange with Houston as they neared the Sea of Tranquility.

At the very last minute the computerized pilot aimed the fragile craft at a ridge of rocks on the projected landing site. Television viewers on earth qould only know: that the countdown was in its final seconds. Neil Armstrong grabbed the control and piloted the module beyond the original landing spot. Then, clear and firm came the call"

?Houston!? Astronaut Armstrong paused and took a breath. ?Tranquillity base here. The Eagle has landed.?

In living rooms people pinched themselves. Television announcers who had built up this big moment found themselves at a loss for words. In London's Trafalgar Square, a great crowd screamed.

Man would measure time by this first landing on the moon.

The second peak of drama was even more exciting. For hundreds of millions it was actually visible. It seemed almost as astounding to them as a quarter-of-a-million miles away they could see what was happening as it was actually happening.

By some freak of planning it had been scheduled that after making a successful landing on the moon the two astronauts would take a nap. The theory was that they would be better rested for the ordeal. But human nature follows man to the moon. Permission was asked and immediately given to make the first foray onto the moons surface at once.

'Knights gird themselves'

There followed an agonizing delay. They were getting dressed. The suits they donned were $300,000 suits. they made their wearers into miniature individual space modules carry self-contained atmosphere, pressure, oxygen, temperature, and shields form meteorites.

Half the world waited while they laboriously put on the cumbersome garments like knights girding themselves with a new style of flexible armor, doing it in space about the size of a telephone booth. Every man who had ever put on a dress suit and knew the hazards of a popped button sympathized with what was going on in the little cabin where the two men repeatedly checked and examined each other before stepping out into the unknown.

Later a reporter jested: ?They made millions wait while they dressed to go out.? Seventeen minutes and 40 seconds past '4 p.m. Eastern daylight time Sunday, July 20, the Eagle lands.

6:30 ? Astronauts ask permission to start their mission on the moon around nine ? ?everything go.? Mission control (Houston) radio concurrence.

Conversation follows in grating telephone tones:

?You guys are getting prime TV time here,? says Mission Control.

?I hope that little TV set works, but we?ll see,? says Astronaut Armstrong from the moon.

Minutes and hours pass. Radio and TV announcers fill time as best they may.

Families stayed glued to sets. Pictures of headlines of newspapers are thrown on the screen: "Men land on moon? says the sedate New York Times in the largest type it has ever used.???

10:40 ?The cabin is depressurized, the space suits are on, the hatch of the spacecraft is opened. ?I?m on the porch,? says Neil Armstrong.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/science/~3/kogK7ZIb-sU/From-the-Monitor-s-archives-Man-walks-on-moon-video

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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Erica Bryant: Young victims can become leaders (Rochester Democrat and Chronicle)

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AT&T, CWA reach agreements "in concept"

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