Friday, March 9, 2012

When the Facts Don't Matter

Here?s why: The conservative argument against the freedom to marry, newly resonant in an election year, is primarily a norms argument. Maggie Gallagher, who many believe has done more than anyone to block the freedom to marry through her writing, fundraising, and founding of activist groups, says she is not anti-gay, just pro-marriage?and concerned about child welfare. ?Children need a mom and a dad,? she says whenever she can. To hear her tell it, marriage needs protecting not as some abstract moral principle but because marriage is a fragile but vital institution that society depends on to make adults more responsible to their biological children (and to each other). Government sanctions the institution as a unique, procreative bond in order to reinforce this norm, and those who identify as a ?husband? or ?wife? are more likely to honor their commitments. ?After gay marriage,? she said in a recent interview, ?marriage will not be about that anymore. We will not have an institution dedicated to putting together mothers and fathers and children.?


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