Monday, March 19, 2012

Childhood obesity: we must protect our children's health before it's ...

I have been a GP for more than 25 years and write to congratulate Dr Aseem Malhotra on his excellent analysis (?We can beat child obesity epidemic ? but we must beat ?Big Food? first?, Viewpoint).

It?s heartening to see a cardiologist taking an interest in the preventive aspects of disease as well as the treatment. We know that alcohol, smoking, being overweight, a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet are causes of ill health. I would estimate that something like 50 to 70% of my patients? medical costs would not just be reduced, but eliminated, if their diets were healthier and if they exercised more.

More than one third of children in the UK are either obese or overweight. That is not only a question of aesthetics. The very future of the NHS is at stake because excess weight at this age can translate into serious diseases such as blood pressure, arthritis and diabetes at a later stage.

The government, schools, parents and children are equally to blame for this sorry state of affairs. The government has never woken up to the harsh reality that there just are not enough resources and funding for nutritional food or physical activities for the country?s growing population. Schools think their responsibility begins and ends with giving lessons in various subjects to their students. Development of the overall personality is none of their concern. As a result, taking care of adequate physical fitness is rather frowned upon.

But what will be the use of a ?good education? if the person who got it is in bad health ? physical and mental as well as emotional?

Dr Kailash Chand OBE

Chair, Tameside and Glossop NHS

Aseem Malhotra is right: obesity is a threat as big as tobacco ever was to the nation?s health. Trying to treat it in hospital is too late.

Of course the government has to tread a difficult line between telling us what to eat and letting ?Big Food? feed us the fat stuff without any disincentive ? but that?s what government is for. It took us far too long to agree to real action against smoking. Let?s deal with obesity now before it overwhelms the health service.

Carole Stone

London NW5

Dr Malhotra rightly refers to the fact that Southwark has the highest level of child obesity in the country ? more than a quarter of our 10 to 11-year-olds are obese and many more are overweight. That is why we are bringing in universal free healthy school meals for Southwark?s primary school children ? ensuring that every child can enjoy a nutritious and tasty meal at lunchtime.

Initial results are encouraging, with parents telling us that their children are starting to eat more healthily at school and asking for more fruit and vegetables at home. Crucially, it?s also delivering savings for hard-pressed families as the scheme is expected to save a family with two children at primary school ?700 a year.

We are committed to tackling childhood obesity and improving the health and wellbeing of children in the borough.

Catherine McDonald

Cabinet member for children?s services, Southwark council

Aseem Malhotra is right to highlight the failure of the government?s proposed health reforms to tackle obesity. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes four years ago. I am acutely aware that, like 80% of all type 2 diabetes sufferers, my condition could have been prevented with proper diet and exercise.

As cases of both diabetes and obesity continue to rise exponentially, the government must act urgently and decisively. I will be bringing a 10-minute rule bill before the House of Commons in April calling for regulation of soft drinks manufacturers.

It is only with such firm action that we can halt this epidemic. The health of the nation depends on it.

Keith Vaz MP

House of Commons SW1

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