Thursday, March 1, 2012

How to effect reducing weight is best(part1) - Blog - amycx201211 ...

How to effect reducing weight is best(part1)

Thursday, Mar 1, 2012 8:52AM / Standard Entry

1, strictly observe and cultivate "eat early good afternoon, eat, eat less late" eating habits, including "night eat less" is the key to losing weight! Here are three must note: one, it must have breakfast. The person that does not have breakfast, easy to get fat. Because after a night of sleep, the body has more than 10 hours in energy consumption has been without eating,charm?bracelet the human body needs rich in carbohydrates breakfast to complement afresh, stored energy, don't eat breakfast in the lunch appear strong hollow feeling and hungry feeling, imperceptible eat too much food, the excess energy will turn into fat in the body; 2 it is noon must eat satisfied. At noon, not eat satisfied, evening inevitable hungry, "night eat less" it will be difficult to do; 3 it is night must do try to eat less as far as possible! And don't eat meat for dinner, sweets, Fried food, drink some light noodle soup and rice water can, do not drink the salty soup. Many winners of the secret all coincide with weight loss is: after 9 o 'clock in the evening resolute don't eat, will not drink water! This is the key to keep their curvaceous. True, many experts once expressed to want to keep the public figure of gentle and graceful figure, too big dinner, food taken late at night,Pandora?beads quantity of heat cannot be used up. According to the human body biological clock running show, after 9 o 'clock, the human body each organ function has basically weak condition, that it is also accumulates adipose hour. And we are normal dinner eaten something to 5 hours can be digested completely, this redundant quantity of heat, accumulate over a long period can cause hypodermic and adipose accumulation is overmuch, fat destiny also arrived sadly, so want to bear in mind that prohibit taking food absolutely after 9 o 'clock in the evening.

2, insist on a brisk walk after supper for half an hour or more. Many people obese the main parts in the buttocks and abdomen, such people have a common characteristic, or AnDu long engaged in work, or do not love activities. Long before sitting at the desk, computer, TV before before, excess heat consumption not to drop, into fat deposition in the abdomen or hips. So, want to reduce weight,pandora?bead must change doesn't love the way of life of the activities, to increase the movement, consuming excessive heat.


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