Monday, September 5, 2011

The Right Way To Build A USANA Home Based Business | Business ...

I?ve been in USANA for about 5 years now and I had my fair share of heart ache and frustration. I was really trying to work from home with this home based business opportunity and found out it is not as easy as our uplines make it out to be.

I soon realized why the failure rate for network marketing is 95% and that is because not to many people want to go outof their comfort zone to be successful.The my upline taught me how to build a business is allabout going out of your comfort zone. You have to chase down friends and family, try sell the USANA home based business to complete strangers, and have almost everyone say no to your face or accuse you of being in a scam.It can be really frustrating, especially when you truly believe in a model that will can potentially give you residual income, meaning money while you sleep.

I loved the whole idea of leverage. But there was one concept that changed it all. That was taking the leverage power of network marketing, add that with the power of the internet and you have a money making power machine. Then after 3 years down this path of learning internet marketing I finally have a system that works.Here is the right way to build a USANA Home Based Business. First of all you don?t want to talk to people who have no interest in what you are promoting. What you want is a hungry market. People who are actively looking on what you are offering. So that would bea USANA home based business. The next thing would be to market so you have that hungry market come to you. The place where you want to send that traffic is to a capture page.I send my hungry market to my capture page which isa one page website designed only to get contact info for my business so I can follow up with later.The next thing I do is offer a low end product that either educates my prospect, and sells my primary business.

That way I make money right away instead of waiting for commission from recruiting.If they don?t buy now, I still continue the education,show that I am a leader so when they are ready that they will contact me. I educate them through my blog where I make adsense cash, then also promote affiliate products to my list, and recruit when people are ready.The way I get duplication for my usana home based business is to teach them how to create this mini empire for themselves as well so they get paid from many other sources while still growing their business.That is the right way to build an USANA Home Based Business.

About the Author

Patrick has been teaching network marketers on attraction marketing for two years, for your free ebook on attraction marketing and on how to make over $4,732 per week visit


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