Monday, October 10, 2011

35 Free Law FAQ : Financial Services

Is there a difference or what? Legal constraints are laws that tell you not to do something. For example, if you?re 12 years old, you can?t work. You are restricted by the law (constrained). Commercial constraints are usually intuitive.

If a husband dies with no will, and owns property what are the rights of the wife, and his childern from previous marragies? Thanks As schz told you, INTESTATE SUCCESSION controls. Although schz told you were to read a website?s opinion, the CORRECT link is here:

So, my roommate promised to sell a parking pass to a person for a price written in an email. But, then we decided to not sell it 2 days later. The person who wants to buy the parking pass tells us that we have to sell it to her because its illegal if we.

Recently, I was pulled over for a routine traffic stop. I?m 19 years old and born in the United States. My parents are asian and Italian. Therefore, I?m a deep dark tan with jet black hair and a squnity hispanic features. I?ve been mistaken for a Mexican many times. Anyway, the.

he is rude aggresive vile and is spliting my family up what is the law on my behalf You will have to present a case to a judge and petition the (juvenile) court to place the child elsewhere..

My Boyfriend is from Buenos Aires, Argentina. He has his law degree from the University of Buenos Aires and is thinking of coming to the US to see if he can work for a couple of years. He has an ?Abogados? degree which is an Attorney-At-Law and.

where can i find information about 1.the number of felony and misdemeanor cases annually 2. type of alternatives to incarceration that are available 3. the requirements for obtaining a sentence that involves an alternative 4 if restitution programs are avaialble and how the programs operate 5. success or failure of the program i need it in the.

While looking up something on our local police website, i learned that a tier 2 sex offender lives just yards away from me in my apts. (offended two girls ages 7 and 9). I live in a family friendly apt complex, big grassy areas, lots of kids and pets. I thought that.

well this co-worker on mine said that there is a law in California stating that an 18-20 year old person CAN drink alcohol but they have to be under their parent/legal guardian supervision AND at their house. I never heard of anything like this, sounds more like a myth or.

I live in a large apt. complex in ontario,canada. Two months ago I was walking my dog and returnig with him a lady came out with her two dogs. The dogs bolted when they seen my dog causing this woman hand to hit her self in the mouth and broke the skin. I was knocked.

On January 5, Amy wrote a letter to Benny offering to sell her van for 0,000. Amy stated in the letter that Benny had to reply by January 15 or she might sell to someone else. On receiving the letter in Jan 8, Benny immediately sent a letter to Amy asking whether she.

Peter, a businessman residing in Singapore enters into a contract to supply toys to Mike who is a citizen of Malaysia. The letter of acceptance is received by Mike in Malaysia. Mike then receives the consignment of toys but refuses to pay 0,000 being the price of the goods. Peter wants to know what are his contractual.


I posted a question regarding an incident on my son?s school bus last month.well, once again another incident has happened.TODAY! I have the incident report from the 1st one (it was a bump on the head from the window.he?s 4yo btw) and I?m in the process of getting the incident report for today?s accident as well..

is there a law that says that you can?t be pregnant under age? nope ? NO ? can get pregnant at any age. Really, theres no law preventing it. I wouldn?t do it, but it?s legal ? depand on the country you are living in.. ? There is a law that probits.

My husband and I both worked at the same restaurant. About a month ago my husband asked for an advance on his paycheck. I had nothing to do with it We didn?t even talk about it. They gave it to him but labout 3 weeks ago my hiusband had some words with our.

I thought there was some type of federal law that required apartment complexes or renters to allow people the choice of their television providers? I live in a relatively large apartment complex. They offer cable through themselves (from Time Warner) for 40$ a month for BASIC cable. (only 50 channels) Everyone around us.

How long does the law protect a victim? I?m not talking about rape or anything just unwanted sexual contact. If it happened about a year ago can anything be done? I believe the guy is now labeled as a sex offender for other things he has done in the past two years, so does that.

ok their was a dog next door who was left over night because owners left. My next door neighbor found it at her house, so she dicieded to keep it until they come home. But she gave it to her sister. Do you think it was wrong and they should get in trouble. yes.

I recieved a ticket in the mail for trespassing and fishing without consent. The guy caught us fishing on his property and stole the keys outta our truck and held us there until police came. They didnt arrest us but sent us a ticket 3 weeks later. The date on the ticket is wrong. What are.

Contracts fall under the UCC Uniform Commercial Code of the U.S. or on the state level, either the Business Code or commercial code of the state. Equal Treatment, depending on what you mean by that phrase, can fall under the U.S..

In most industrial countries they have a loser pay system. If a lawsuit is filed, the loser of the suit pays all expenses. This makes a person think twice before filing a lawsuit or frivolous lawsuit. Why can?t America have this. Is it that the lawyers and their lobbyists are.

my brothers wife was found murdered in the kitchen of their house she had been shot 3 times. i own a gun for protection and the bullets she was murdered with was the same fit for my gun. my lawyer really fucked me over and im in deep * with the case and if im convicted.

I am looking for a lawyer in Texas around Alpins or Marfa. That is about 3 hours from Midland. I need a lawyer that can help me with a child support case. I am having a really hard time and I just have a couple of questions for them. PLEASE HELP ME! Any information would help!.

I am looking to hire an attorney in a different state than I am currently residing in, as per courts wishes for a resolution/ammendment of a divorce decree. My problem is that I have found one, and seems very nice but at the same time I believe she might have a mouth on her as well.

I?m in high school and I want to be a trial lawyer. I?m already involved in mock-trial type things, but is there anything else I can do? I still am not very good at looking at things and being able to tell, for example, if someone is lyign by that evidence. What should I do? Two things you.

Does anyone know what the US law is concerning getting advice from a lawyer and that advice absolving you from accountability? Although it is being used in other veins, it is my understanding that some criminals would go to their lawyers to get advice about an issue. When it came to being prosecuted,.

If a woman throws a drink in a man?s face or slaps him for being verbally abusive or inappropriate, can he file charges against her, for assault, battery, things like that? Just theoretically . . . Yes. Basically any unwanted contact constitutes a battery. If the guy felt threatened, or in.

What effect should this have on the number of lawyers, the wages they receive, and the price people have to pay to receive legal services? I agree with the first answerer. The Bar Exam is generally pass fail, though it is extensive. In NY.

said it was consensual how much time would be knocked off including involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, criminal tresspassing, rape, etc. i know he could still get in trouble for messing with a 13 year.

My husband and I purchased a house in Michigan in December 2006. We didn?t realize or have any clue that there would be leaking in the basement when we bought the house because it was winter. There were no obvious signs of dampness in the basement. This spring we found out..

This man Andrew Speaker a lawyer from Atlanta knowingly boarded a transatlantic flight while he was a carrier for an extremely resistant strain of tuberculosis possibly infecting hundreds of people along the way and even flying back after the CDC called him in Rome and told him to report to the Italian.

I started waiting tables at a restaurant in nyc and got my first pay check for 22 hours of work for a total of 4.50 before deductions. The deductions for this first check were: FIFCA: .41 FED WT: .82 NY ST: .45 NY DIS: $ .60 Total of deductions:.28 My net take home pay was:.

There is no lease. The bastard doesn?t even claim the house as a rental. We?ve paid the first, and last months rent, plus the thing that pays for damages for when we move out.(I?m blonde.) Someone dropped a puppy (lab) off in our yard. We decided to keep it. We already have.

I am feeling very desperate, here and am hoping someone can help. My stepmother was found guilty today on forgery charges regarding a POA, and can face serious prison time 2-7 years. She had provided her attorney (public defender) with evidence, that the attorney decided not to use, she wanted to.

However it?s in my husbands name and he has a private mortgage through his mothers ex boyfriend. My husband is in boot camp right now and he told me to tell the house, I have Power Of Attorney so I can do it. BUT, there was a promisary note written up and I need a copy.

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