Sunday, August 14, 2011

Arts and Entertainment,Celebrity Gossip News - How do I meet ...

It seems everyone is concerned with being popular and fitting in, and doesn't care about topics such as religion and philosophy, are there any intellectuals? I'm going to be a freshmen in August.

teenage intellectuals are as rare as black American Jews.

Do they still have Debating Clubs in high school?

Clubs. Model UN, debate club, ect. Use your imagination.

Smoke pit. Trust me.

In High School, I had a very hard time finding friends/people like that. Check to see if your school has a Philosophy Club. If not, ask if you can start one.

Second, Join the GSA (gay-straight alliance) if your school has one. My school had one, and it led to a LOT of really great, interesting discussions. also, there were some fun fundraisers and whatnot.

You could also try some great forums. has one of the greatest Pagan/Spirituality forums I've ever seen.

You might want to check out the different clubs to see if there is a debate team or something like that.

The only thing, besides that, is test the water with the kids to see how each clique is.

Try to find the art kids.

Have fun in high school?best years of your life??.jk. Don't worry about being popular. just worry about your studies, trust me.

You won't, high school is about getting high.

If you want to meet other intellectuals, it might be a good idea to present yourself as one, or at least as someone who is interested in spiritual things. To that end, you might start by replacing "Death Metal For Life" with something more philosophically esoteric.

When you get to HS join some clubs right away (philosophy, etc.) whatever strikes you, b/c everyone will be new and it will be easier to join if everyone is new, rather than joining a club 6 months later.

the kids in the high level classes like advanced placement will be. and your occasional stoner =)

Good luck with that

I know how you feel, everyone here mostly talk about shallow things. Intellectual teenagers are very hard to find. I'm sure you'll meet one eventually, and maybe they could introduce you to their friends.
Or you school has a philosophy club, you could join that.


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