Sunday, July 31, 2011

People Who Are Around You ? Understanding Sociopath | AutoRoll ...


It is estimated that there are about 50 million sociopaths in the world. In the US, about 12 million Americans are most likely to become sociopaths in the future and the last count was that there is an estimated 50 million people all over the world who show sociopathic behavior. The numbers are quite alarming if you think about it and you won?t even know that the person beside you or the people you meet in the bus stop is one because they are just like normal regular people until they start doing what they are famous for, deceit.

Unlike the average person, sociopaths do not have a conscience or lack thereof and show no remorse when they do something immoral and/or illegal. The French psychiatrist Philippe Pinel called sociopathy as madness without confusion of mind. This is because these people are hard to diagnose as mentally ill despite their crazy actions. The prevailing cause is usually environmental than genetics. Sociopaths are usually abused (physically and sexually), deprived and was not able to socialize when he or she was a child. This kind of behavior is usually seen in poor parenting and with high divorce rates in developed countries rising, the problem gets worse.

As mentioned before, sociopaths are hard to look out for because they can blend well with society. But if you are vigilant enough you can spot them. They can do this well because they can fake an emotion and put up a mask that is filled with charisnma and charm that anyone can be drawn in. They are also very good liars and do not show any kind of empathy towards other people who are going through something horrible. They do all this in order to take control over other people without them realizing it until it?s too late.

Society has a preconceive notion on sociopaths. For most people, sociopaths are the criminals locked up in prison. This is true but only to a certain extent because sociopaths can be the person beside you even if they do not have such criminal intent towards you. These people are about manipulation and taking control in order to gain an upper hand even if it means destruction to others and society. In a relationship, the partner is usually unhappy and miserable because sociopaths are unable to relinquish any control to the partner and they would do anything to maintain that control.

The internet has plenty of information about sociopathy and how it affects society. Some sites offer questionnaires that would assess if you are at risk in developing such a behavior. Assessment can also be done with a professional psychiatrist and once diagnosed, the main treatment is usually behavioral therapy. Behavioral therapy entails changing certain unacceptable behaviors and not repeating them. But sociopaths are not receptive to change so proper care must be taken. Some doctors would also prescribe medications to control their negative emotions.

A sociopathic behavior is very preventable. But this phenomenon is can be easily prevented by instilling to children proper discipline and nurturing them to be good citizens. It?s all about nurturing the present for a favorable future.


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