Sunday, June 30, 2013

New Species of Spoon-Shaped Worm Discovered in Japan

First Posted: Jun 29, 2013 09:21 AM EDT

New Species of Peculiar Spoon Shaped Worm Discovered in Japan

A team of Japanese biologists have discovered a new species of bizarre spoon shaped worm on a sandy tidal flat named Hachi-no-higata of the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. (Photo : Teruaki Nishikawa)

A team of Japanese biologists has?discovered a new species?of a bizarre spoon-shaped worm on a sandy tidal flat named Hachi-no-Higata of the Seto Inland Sea, Japan.

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The new species "Aryhynchite Hayaoi" derives its name from its elongated spoon-like projection coming from the barrel like roundish trunk that is similar in shape to a sweet potato.

Spoon worms, scientifically known as Echiura, are marine animals that do not have a distinct respiratory system and absorb oxygen through the body wall. They mainly reside in shallow waters and only a few are connected with deep sea waters. Till date nearly 230 species have been described. Most of the spoon worms are deposit feeders. They use their spoon to gather organic matter or particles from the area surrounding them.

Generally, Euchiurans have a large flattened proboscis i,e. spoon like projection coming from their head. But the new species has a very bizarre spoon-shaped proboscis.

The newly discovered species is a pinkish-yellow colored animal grows to the length of 10 cm. ?Initially, the researchers confused the newly discovered species with another species known as Thalassema Owstoni Ikeda. The new species Archynchite Hayaoi was abundant and was collected in large numbers from the intertidal to subtidal sandy bottoms as fish bait in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. But the population of Archynchite Hayaoi is declining at an alarming rate.

The finding by Dr Masaatsu Tanaka and Dr Teruaki Nishikawa from Toho University, Chiba, has been described in the journal?Zookeys.

?2013 All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. The window to the world of science news.


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Sony Japan: PlayStation 4 Launch Will Not Lead to PS3 Abandonment

Hiroshi Kawano, the president of Sony Japan, says that, despite the launch of the new PlayStation 4 home console, he does not expect most gamers to abandon using the older PS3, especially as more titles for it are being launched.

He tells Famitsu, as translated by Kotaku, that ?It?s been seven years since the release of the PS3 and the console continues to sell at a constant pace, plus we have many upcoming titles. We have no intention of immediately shifting from the PS3 to the PS4.?

Sony has always maintained that the PlayStation 3 will be viable for at least 10 years.

The company will not put pressure on gamers to make the switch, but it believes that the launch of cloud-based services in early 2014 will be the moment when most PlayStation fans decide to make the switch.


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TV drama 'Ray Donovan' delivers flawed man as Hollywood's 'fixer'

By Eric Kelsey

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Broken arms, baseball bat beat-downs, bugged hotel rooms, and a drag queen prostitute blackmailing the star of an upcoming blockbuster action film.

That is a typical week for Ray Donovan, a Hollywood "fixer" and latest anti-hero persona to land on U.S. cable television in Showtime drama "Ray Donovan" that debuts on Sunday after the final season premiere of popular serial killer drama "Dexter."

Like antecedents Tony Soprano from HBO's mob drama, "The Sopranos," and Don Draper from AMC's ad world series, "Mad Men," Ray Donovan, played by Tony-winner Liev Schreiber, is a man of countless dilemmas, ensnared by work and family.

The series follows Ray as he serves as Hollywood's go-to enforcer, helping movie stars, film studios and athletes "fix" their private problems before they turn into public relations disasters.

But a thunderbolt upends Ray's already unpredictable life when Mickey, his mafia father played by Jon Voight, is suddenly released from prison.

"That exploration of men in particular, fathers and sons, is something that was very compelling to me," Schreiber, 45, told Reuters. "The thing I like about Ray is, as horrible as he behaves, he seems to have a very moral epicenter."

"Ray Donovan" creator, Emmy-winning writer Ann Biderman, said that she had always been interested in Hollywood's dark side.

She pointed to past real-life fixers Fred Otash, a private investigator from Hollywood's 1950s golden age, and Howard Strickland, MGM studio's publicity chief in the 1930s, both of whom notoriously shielded high-profile figures from public scandal.

"I'm interested in crime," said Biderman, 61, also the creator of cable TV police drama "Southland." "These figures have been around since the beginning, where there is a lot of money and the stakes are very high."

But Ray, who can get his A-list clients out of the worst circumstances, has little recourse for his insidious father who is looking to reconnect with his family in Los Angeles.


The series is a tangle of plots and personal moral codes in which characters try to make things right in the wrong ways.

"I think that (morality) drives Ray and he's got a distorted but intact sense of what is just and what is right," Schreiber said. "He's trying to understand how to coexist with that in a society that doesn't necessarily value it, and still make a living and be a good father to his children."

The pilot episode begins with Ray receiving a panicked call: the male star of an upcoming action film was caught with a transvestite prostitute and a pro football player woke up in a hotel room with a woman dead from a drug overdose.

It is a easy switch for Ray, putting the actor in place of the athlete - after all, as one of Ray's clients says, it is easier for an action movie star to rebound from a trip to rehab than getting pushed out of the closet.

The series also takes a dip into deep end of the male psyche as Ray's brother, Terry, struggles to get by as a boxing instructor with Parkinson's disease and his other brother, Bunchy, uses booze to cope with childhood sexual abuse by a priest.

"I think Ann has a really deep understanding of masculinity and the facade of machismo," Schreiber said.

"It's almost like the models most men are working off of are antiquated in terms of how to behave and what to expect from relationships and how to interact socially with women," Schreiber added.

"It may be Ann's point that at some level all men are difficult," the actor explained. "So many people ask how a woman could have such deep insight into male behavior - they're sort of the experts, aren't they?"

Showtime is owned by CBS Corp.

(Editing by Piya Sinha-Roy and Jackie Frank)


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Arena football: Utah Blaze fall to San Jose SaberCats

Arena football ? Loss to San Jose ends Utah?s playoff hopes.

It was there for the taking, but the Utah Blaze, a franchise struggling with the recent influx of new players and starters, couldn?t give itself a chance in the waning seconds.

Playing in their first home game since being temporarily evicted from EnergySolutions Arena last week, the Blaze had an opportunity to tie the game with less than a minute remaining, but back-to-back botched snaps on third- and fourth-down situations let the air out of a rowdy arena.


SaberCats 57, Blaze 49

Back-to-back botched snaps doom the Blaze?s potential game-tying drive in the final minute.

? Rookie wideout Mario Urrutia has 116 receiving yards with three TDs for Utah.

The Blaze fell 57-49 Saturday night at home to the San Jose SaberCats, a tough way to end an emotional week for the franchise that turned the drama of the last week into a raucous atmosphere.

Utah coach Ron James said the last fumble is something the team dealt with earlier this season, where the opposing defensive line jumps the snap count, implementing pressure before the ball is hiked.

"Clearly the noseguard jumped the snap count," he said. "He hit the center before the ball even arrived. We?ve had that in other games ? wasn?t called. End of game."

The loss also eliminated Utah, now at 5-9, from playoff contention for the 2013 AFL season.

"We?ve been inefficient in crunch time," James said.

It was a disappointing ending for a game in which the Blaze offense avoided turnovers, a problem that has plagued the quarterback position throughout the season. Quarterback Jason Boltus, making his third career AFL start, threw for 306 yards and seven touchdowns. Rookie wideout Mario Urrutia had another dominant outing with 116 yards and three touchdowns while Anthony Jackson had three sensational end-zone snags.

But the game will be remembered for the two fumbled snaps, a game that cemented the tumultuous season for the Utah Blaze as the franchise will not be playing playoff football once the final week of the regular season ends.

When asked if this was the most disheartening loss in a season full of last-second losses, James shrugged his shoulders.

story continues below

"It?s right up there because of what we preach all the time is having an opportunity to win and we had an opportunity to at least tie the game or possibly win the football game and the fact that we weren?t able to do that in scoring position is kind of systematic of where we?ve been offensively all year long," he said.

Twitter: @chriskamrani

Copyright 2013 The Salt Lake Tribune. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Teenager in jail since March for sarcastic Internet comment faces 8 ...

Published time: June 28, 2013 15:48 Justin Carter.(Photo from user Justin Carter)

A teenager from Texas could spend the next eight years in prison if a court decides that the sarcastic comment he made during an online argument is enough to convict him of issuing a terroristic threat.

Justin Carter was only 18 years old when he and a friend got into an online spat over Facebook back in February with another person. They were arguing about the computer game ?League of Legends,? his dad told a local ABC affiliate, but one snarky remark made by the teen was apparently enough to raise suspicion in one woman who was watching the conversation unfold all the way up in Canada.

?Someone had said something to the effect of 'Oh you're insane, you're crazy, you're messed up in the head,?? father Jack Carter told KKVUE News, ?to which he replied 'Oh yeah, I'm real messed up in the head, I'm going to go shoot up a school full of kids and eat their still, beating hearts.??

According to the parent, the teenager from Texas followed up that remark with the phrases ?LOL? and ?JK?? Internet shorthand for ?Laugh out Loud? and ?Just Kidding.? The Canadian witness wasn?t amused, however, and reportedly conducted a cursory Google search to find out more about the sarcastic gamer. That information led her to learn that the Carter household is located close to a local elementary school, prompting her to alert the police.

Carter, who has since turned 19, was arrested in late March and has so far spent three months and one day behind bars. His trial is slated to begin in July, and if convicted of ?making a terroristic threat? he could spend most of his twenties in federal prison.

Under Texas law, a person could be charged with a misdemeanor if he or she ?threatens to commit any offense involving violence to any person or property? with the intent to prompt a reaction, cause fear in another or interrupt the occupation of a public place. If the defendant is thought to have made a threat to cause impairment or interruption of a public service, it?s a felony in the Lone Star State.

?These people are serious. They really want my son to go away to jail for a sarcastic comment that he made," Jack Carter told KVUE.

It?s likely that the timing of the teenager?s quip ? only two months after the tragic Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting left 26 people dead in Connecticut ? didn?t discourage authorities from launching an investigation. His father said his son didn?t mean anything of it, though, and was just being behaving like an average teenager.

?Justin was the kind of kid who didn't read the newspaper. He didn't watch television. He wasn't aware of current events. These kids, they don't realize what they're doing. They don't understand the implications. They don't understand public space,? said Jack Carter.

?If I can just help one person to understand that social media is not a playground, that when you go out there into social media, when you use Facebook, when you use Twitter, when you go out there and make comments on news articles, and the things you are saying can and will be used against you," he said.

Cameron B. D’Ambrosio.(Photo from @camerond4)

Carter?s trial is expected to begin July 1 in Texas. Earlier this month, a grand jury in Massachusetts declined to indict an 18-year-old aspiring rapper who was accused of making terrorist threats after posting prose on his Facebook page that referenced the Boston Marathon bombing. Cameron B. D?Ambrosio was detained for one month in jail and stood to serve as much as two decades if convicted.


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New Jersey's Christie vetoes Medicaid expansion bill

(Reuters) - New Jersey Governor Chris Christie vetoed a bill that would have expanded Medicaid eligibility under the healthcare law known as Obamacare, his office said on Friday, in an apparent reversal of position for the presumed 2016 Republican presidential hopeful.

Christie's office announced he vetoed eight bills that "would add potentially hundreds of millions of dollars to state and local budgets." He also signed a $32.9 billion budget and three other bills, his office said in a statement.

Among the bills he vetoed was a Medicaid expansion under the U.S. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law known as Obamacare.

Republicans have repeatedly tried to overturn the law since regaining control of the U.S. House of Representatives in the 2010 election, making its repeal a centerpiece of their political opposition to the Democratic president.

While that has failed because Democrats still hold a majority in the Senate, many states led by Republicans have attempted to undermine the law by refusing to expand Medicaid, a program created by the federal government and administered by the states to pay for medical services for the poor.

Under Obama's 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the federal government is offering to pay states 100 percent of the cost of expanding Medicaid for three years beginning in 2014, declining to 90 percent in subsequent years.

Last June, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Obama's healthcare overhaul but allowed states to opt out of a provision expanding the Medicaid program.

Christie, a critic of Obamacare, said in February he would accept federal money to expand Medicaid in New Jersey because if he did not the money would go to other states.

The governor's press office did not immediately respond to requests to explain his apparent change.

Earlier this month, researchers said 14 Republican-led states that oppose expanding Medicaid under would leave 3.6 million of their poorest adult residents uninsured, at a cost of $9.4 billion per year by 2017.

The findings, published in the journal Health Affairs on June 3, did not include New Jersey among those 14 states.

Christie has emerged as a leading voice in the Republican Party and is seen as serious contender for the 2016 Republican nomination, should he decide to run. He is running for re-election as governor this year.

(Reporting by Daniel Trotta; Editing by Eric Walsh)


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'Resident Evil 6' Director: This Will Never Get Old

The people have spoken, and they want their "Resident Evil." In an interview with "The Star," director Paul W.S. Anderson said he'd be making the sixth installment in the slow-mo-iest movie series ever this fall. "I think the undead genre really plays to primal human fears," Anderson said regarding the popularity of zombies since his [...]


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Friday, June 28, 2013

Pujols lifts Angels over Tigers 3-1 in 10 innings

DETROIT (AP) ? Albert Pujols got the biggest hit of the game. Jered Weaver delivered the most encouraging performance, as far as the Los Angeles were concerned.

Pujols hit a tiebreaking double in the 10th inning and the Angels beat Detroit 3-1 on Thursday for their ninth straight victory over the Tigers.

Mike Trout had four hits and was in the middle of the decisive rally for the Angels, who completed a three-game sweep. Weaver pitched seven strong innings in a tight duel with Detroit right-hander Doug Fister.

"Just wanted to concentrate on keeping things simple and keeping the mechanics sound and tried to locate," said Weaver, the staff ace who had struggled since coming off the disabled list.

Making his sixth start since returning from a broken left (non-throwing) elbow, Weaver gave up one run and four hits. He walked two and struck out six.

After the Tigers scored in the second, Weaver allowed only a hit and a walk in his final five innings. He retired his last 13 batters.

"We're confident that he's going to pitch more like he did today than the way he has in a couple of his last starts," Angels manager Mike Scioscia said.

J.B. Shuck singled leading off the 10th against Phil Coke (0-5) and went to third on Trout's single to right field. Pujols sent a drive to deep center, where Austin Jackson tried to make a difficult catch with his back to home plate.

The ball tipped off the webbing of Jackson's glove, hit the wall and trickled to the ground.

"That ball was crushed," Scioscia said.

After an intentional walk to Howie Kendrick loaded the bases, Josh Hamilton made it 3-1 with a sacrifice fly.

"The Pujols pitch wasn't a bad pitch. I think that maybe it wasn't the right pitch in that particular moment," Coke said. "I didn't feel like I made the perfect pitch to him by any means, but the last thing I thought he was going to do is hit it as far as he did. It was away from him. I looked at where (catcher Brayan) Pena was set up and he was going away from Pujols with his glove, going away to receive the ball. He found it with his barrel."

Kevin Jepsen (1-2) worked a scoreless ninth for the win and Ernesto Frieri got three outs for his 19th save in 21 chances.

Neither team could do much against the starters.

Scott Downs replaced Weaver and set down the leadoff man in the eighth. But Downs then allowed Omar Infante's pinch-hit double and hit Jackson with a pitch. Downs was pulled for Michael Kohn, who struck out former Angel Torii Hunter and Miguel Cabrera, both swinging, to end the inning.

"Having a situation with Torii, as clutch as they come, and then you've got the best hitter in the league up next," Scioscia said. "What he did to get out of that eighth inning was huge."

Fister yielded one run and seven hits in seven innings, walking one and striking out four. After the Angels tied the game in the fourth, he gave up only one hit in his final three innings and didn't allow a runner past second.

"He did a tremendous job. The fact that he was able to contain that offense, that shows that he's a good pitcher," Pena said. "He kept us in the ballgame and he gave us a chance to win the ballgame. That's what you ask. He pitched beautifully."

Fister was relieved by Al Alburquerque, who pitched a scoreless eighth. The Angels got runners to second and third with two outs in the ninth against Joaquin Benoit, but he struck out Erick Aybar swinging at a 3-2 pitch to get out of the jam.

Detroit took a 1-0 lead in the second on Brayan Pena's two-out RBI single. It scored Victor Martinez, who singled with one out and went to second when Jhonny Peralta followed with a single.

Los Angeles tied it in the fourth on three consecutive singles to start the inning. Brad Hawpe's single to right scored Hamilton from third. Alberto Callaspo was thrown out at third by Hunter on the play.

NOTES: Los Angeles placed RHP Tommy Hanson on the 15-day disabled list. Hanson was scratched from his scheduled start Wednesday night when he felt tightness in his right forearm while warming up in the bullpen. Scioscia said Hanson (4-2, 5.10 ERA) would have an MRI on Thursday. The team recalled LHP Michael Roth from Double-A Arkansas. ... Detroit RHP Anibal Sanchez, on the 15-day DL with a right shoulder strain, threw to batters before the game. ... Cabrera is the sixth player since 1920 with 1,200 RBIs and 300 home runs in his first 11 seasons. The others were Hank Aaron, Ted Williams, Joe DiMaggio, Jeff Bagwell and Pujols. ... Cabrera went 1 for 4 on Thursday to extend his hitting streak to 12 games, which tied a season high. ... The Tigers begin a three-series road swing this weekend at Tampa Bay. Max Scherzer looks to run his record to 12-0 on Friday night when he faces Alex Colome (1-0, 0.00 ERA). ... The Angels head for Houston, where Jerome Williams (5-3, 3.36) will oppose Astros RHP Bud Norris (5-7, 3.60).


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Luxoft surges in 1st day of trading on the NYSE

NEW YORK (AP) -- Shares of Luxoft, which develops and maintains software for businesses and other enterprises, surged in their first day of trading on the New York Stock Exchange.

The stock gained $3.38, or about 20 percent, to close at $20.38 on Wednesday, having risen as high as $21.70 during the session.

Luxoft Holding Inc., based in Zug, Switzerland, said that the offering of about 4.1 million shares was priced at $17 per share, the midpoint of the expected range of $16 to $18 per share. The IPO raised almost $69.7 million.

Both Luxoft and its parent company, IBS Group Holding Ltd., offered 2.05 million shares each. IBS is a software development and information technology services provider in Eastern Europe. Luxoft won't receive any proceeds from the shares sold by IBS.

Luxoft said in a regulatory filing that it anticipates net proceeds of about $31.1 million, which it plans to use for working capital and other general corporate purposes. The underwriters are being given a 30-day option to buy up to an additional 613,810 shares to cover any excess demand. If fully sold, that would boost Luxoft's total net take to about $35.9 million.

For the year ended March 31, Luxoft had net income of $37.5 million on revenue of $314.6 million.

The stock is trading under the "LXFT" ticker symbol.

The offering is expected to close on July 1.


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Thursday, June 27, 2013

95% Stories We Tell

All Critics (80) | Top Critics (35) | Fresh (76) | Rotten (4)

Everyone has a different story. I found myself holding my breath listening to them talk. The story twists like a thriller.

Stories We Tell is not just very moving; it is an exploration of truth and fiction that will stay with you long after repeated viewings.

Part of the movie's pleasure is how comfortable the "storytellers" are with their director; you get a sense of a complicated but tight-knit family, going along with Sarah's project because they love her.

Never sentimental, never cold and never completely sure of anything, Polley comes across as a woman caught in wonder.

After you see it, you'll be practically exploding with questions - and with awe.

Polley ... smilingly tells us that a story like hers can never truly be tied down, even as she screws every last piece into place.

Polley's cine-tribute is a gripping and absorbing meditation on the unknowability of other lives.

The films greatest achievement is in how deeply mesmerising one woman's story can be, regardless of whether she's famous or not.

Honestly, it's one of the best things you'll see this year.

Polley's fearless personal journey is a huge achievement, a genuine revelation - but the less detail you know beforehand, the better. Go in cold, come out warmed.

Sarah Polley is often referred to in Canada as a 'national treasure'. She's far more than that. She's a treasure to the world - period. And so, finally, is her film.

An absorbing exercise not only in documentary excavation but in narrative construction.

Sarah Polley's exploration of her tangled family history is a complex and thoroughly fascinating inquiry into the nature of truth and memory -- and, inevitably, into Polley herself.

This is simply a gorgeously realised and warmly compiled family album, which lingers with us not because its subjects are so unusual and alien, but because they feel so close to home. What a success.

Sarah Polley's personal "documentary" suffers from one additional emotional beat too many. Otherwise, it's mesmerizing.

Polley interviews her family and acquaintances with remarkable candor and intimacy, perhaps as a method of catharsis, but it never feels like a vanity project or a simple airing of dirty laundry.

The great conceit of Polley's theories of perspective and truth is that she, as director, ultimately controlled everyone's memories because she arranged them on film.

As with her other films, when Sarah Polley takes it upon herself to tell us a story, you can bet it's a tale well-told and one that you'll want to hear.

What Stories We Tell does so brilliantly is both tell the story and tell about how we tell our stories. The truth may not be out there.

This is a warm, brave and thought-provoking piece of autobiography.

No quotes approved yet for Stories We Tell. Logged in users can submit quotes.


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Telomere length influences cancer cell differentiation

Telomere length influences cancer cell differentiation [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-Jun-2013
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Contact: Jim Sliwa
American Society for Microbiology

Researchers from the Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research in Tokyo have discovered that forced elongation of telomeres (extensions on the end of chromosomes) promotes the differentiation of cancer cells, probably reducing malignancy, which is strongly associated with a loss of cell differentiation. They report their findings in a manuscript published online ahead of print, in the journal Molecular and Cellular Biology.

"Cancer cells may maintain short telomeres to maintain their undifferentiated state," says Hiroyuki Seimiya, a researcher on the study.

Telomeres are protective extensions on the ends of chromosomes, which shorten as cells age, like an hourglass running down. They protect the end of the chromosome from deterioration or from fusion with neighboring chromosomes. Without telomeres chromosomes would progressively lose genetic information as cells divide and replicate.

Cancer cells have shorter telomeres compared to healthy cells, but they guard their immortality by maintaining these telomeres' length.

In the study, the forced elongation of cancer cells' telomeres suppressed a number of genes and proteins that appear to be involved in tumor malignancy, according to the report. For example, one of these factors, N-cadherin, is involved in prostate cancer metastasis.

Based on their results, the investigators now propose that telomeres also modulate the behavior of cells by controlling gene expression, by as yet unknown mechanisms, says Seimiya. His research, he says, may ultimately lead to new types of treatments for cancer.


A copy of the article can be found online at Formal publication is scheduled for the August 2013 issue of Molecular and Cellular Biology.

Molecular and Cellular Biology is a publication of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM). The ASM is the largest single life science society, composed of over 39,000 scientists and health professionals. Its mission is to advance the microbiological sciences as a vehicle for understanding life processes and to apply and communicate this knowledge for the improvement of health and environmental and economic well-being worldwide.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Telomere length influences cancer cell differentiation [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-Jun-2013
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Contact: Jim Sliwa
American Society for Microbiology

Researchers from the Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research in Tokyo have discovered that forced elongation of telomeres (extensions on the end of chromosomes) promotes the differentiation of cancer cells, probably reducing malignancy, which is strongly associated with a loss of cell differentiation. They report their findings in a manuscript published online ahead of print, in the journal Molecular and Cellular Biology.

"Cancer cells may maintain short telomeres to maintain their undifferentiated state," says Hiroyuki Seimiya, a researcher on the study.

Telomeres are protective extensions on the ends of chromosomes, which shorten as cells age, like an hourglass running down. They protect the end of the chromosome from deterioration or from fusion with neighboring chromosomes. Without telomeres chromosomes would progressively lose genetic information as cells divide and replicate.

Cancer cells have shorter telomeres compared to healthy cells, but they guard their immortality by maintaining these telomeres' length.

In the study, the forced elongation of cancer cells' telomeres suppressed a number of genes and proteins that appear to be involved in tumor malignancy, according to the report. For example, one of these factors, N-cadherin, is involved in prostate cancer metastasis.

Based on their results, the investigators now propose that telomeres also modulate the behavior of cells by controlling gene expression, by as yet unknown mechanisms, says Seimiya. His research, he says, may ultimately lead to new types of treatments for cancer.


A copy of the article can be found online at Formal publication is scheduled for the August 2013 issue of Molecular and Cellular Biology.

Molecular and Cellular Biology is a publication of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM). The ASM is the largest single life science society, composed of over 39,000 scientists and health professionals. Its mission is to advance the microbiological sciences as a vehicle for understanding life processes and to apply and communicate this knowledge for the improvement of health and environmental and economic well-being worldwide.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Ambulances Highjack Car Radios To Let Drivers Know They're Coming

Everyone knows they should pull to the side of the road when an ambulance with its blaring siren approaches. But what if you've got the windows rolled up, the radio blaring, and can't hear it coming? That's not a problem in Guayaquil, Ecuador, where to increase emergency response times, the ambulances actually hijack nearby AM and FM signals to let drivers know they're nearby.

The clever approach isn't illegal, either. A creative agency called Maruri Grey actually worked with the Radio Association of Ecuador to outfit ambulances with low-power broadcast antennas that override all AM and FM stations within a one kilometer radius of the vehicle. So anyone within the vicinity of the ambulance would be alerted it was coming well in advance, reducing the time it had to slow down for traffic ahead to clear.

And even though radio has been replaced by CDs and MP3 players as in-vehicle entertainment, response times for the ambulances was actually reduced by up to 40 percent with the new system. So now we just sit back and wait for pizza delivery drivers to install their own pirate radio transmitters to guarantee a piping hot pie delivered on time. [YouTube via Behance]


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New bird species discovered in Cambodian capital

A male Cambodian tailorbird, which scientists say is a new bird species unique to Cambodia discovered in Phnom Penh, is seen in an undated photo provided by the Wildlife Conservation Society. A statement released Wednesday, June 26, 2013 by the New York-based Wildlife Conservation Society said the wren-sized Cambodian tailorbird lives in dense, humid lowland scrub in Phnom Penh and other locations just outside the city. (AP Photo/Wildlife Conservation Society,

A male Cambodian tailorbird, which scientists say is a new bird species unique to Cambodia discovered in Phnom Penh, is seen in an undated photo provided by the Wildlife Conservation Society. A statement released Wednesday, June 26, 2013 by the New York-based Wildlife Conservation Society said the wren-sized Cambodian tailorbird lives in dense, humid lowland scrub in Phnom Penh and other locations just outside the city. (AP Photo/Wildlife Conservation Society,

A male Cambodian tailorbird, which scientists say is a new bird species unique to Cambodia discovered in Phnom Penh, is seen in an undated photo provided by the Wildlife Conservation Society. A statement released Wednesday, June 26, 2013 by the New York-based Wildlife Conservation Society said the wren-sized Cambodian tailorbird lives in dense, humid lowland scrub in Phnom Penh and other locations just outside the city. (AP Photo/Wildlife Conservation Society,

A male Cambodian tailorbird, which scientists say is a new bird species unique to Cambodia discovered in Phnom Penh, is seen in an undated photo provided by the Wildlife Conservation Society. A statement released Wednesday, June 26, 2013 by the New York-based Wildlife Conservation Society said the wren-sized Cambodian tailorbird lives in dense, humid lowland scrub in Phnom Penh and other locations just outside the city. (AP Photo/Wildlife Conservation Society,

(AP) ? A previously unknown bird species has been discovered in Cambodia, not in some remote jungle but in the country's capital.

Scientists from the New York-based Wildlife Conservation Society and other groups, including BirdLife International found the wren-sized Cambodian tailorbird living in dense, humid lowland scrub in Phnom Penh and other locations just outside the city, the society announced Wednesday.

The statement described the bird as gray in color with a brownish-red cap and black throat. It said only one other bird species is unique to Cambodia, the Cambodian laughingthrush, found only in the remote Cardamom mountain range.

The discovery of the bird, also known as Orthotomus chaktomuk, was announced in a special online edition of the Oriental Bird Club's journal Forktail, the statement said.

"Finding any new bird species is special, but to find one so close to my home and the homes of millions of people is particularly special," said Simon Mahood of the Wildlife Conservation Society, who with a colleague investigated the discovery. "The bird is probably not rare, although its habitat is threatened. In the places where it can be found it is abundant."

However, the Forktail article says the bird's natural habitat is shrinking and it should be considered slightly endangered.

"Asia contains a spectacular concentration of bird life, but is also under sharply increasing threats ranging from large-scale development projects to illegal hunting," the statement quoted WCS bird conservation coordinator Steve Zack saying. "Further work is needed to better understand the distribution and ecology of this exciting newly described species to determine its conservation needs."

Associated Press


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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

New Moms May Experience OCD Symptoms

Image: JUSTIN PAGET Corbis

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We all experience the occasional life-changing event?a new baby, a cross-country move, a serious injury. In rare cases, such events can precipitate a mental disorder. The problem is compounded because people often assume their suffering is par for the course after such upheaval. In reality, relief is probably a short treatment away, via therapy or medication.

For a new mother, dealing with a newborn is fraught with anxieties. Did I fasten the car seat properly? Is the baby still breathing? In more than one in 10 new mothers, these normal worries can escalate into more serious obsessions that can interfere with her ability to care for herself and her baby.

Most of the research on postpartum psychiatric problems has focused on depression and psychosis. Obstetricians such as Emily Miller of Northwestern University, however, were also noticing a range of anxiety-related disorders, including intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviors. ?It's good to check that your baby is strapped into the car seat,? Miller notes. ?But these women aren't just doing it once. They're doing it over and over, and it's interfering with their lives.?

With her colleagues, Miller followed 461 women after they gave birth. Eleven percent said they had obsessions and compulsions two weeks after delivery that the researchers found to be the equivalent of mild to moderate obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)?a sharp increase over the 2 to 3 percent rate of OCD in the general population. Half of these women's symptoms continued six months' postpartum, and an additional 5.4 percent developed new OCD symptoms in that time. The afflicted women indicated that their symptoms were distressing, taking up a significant amount of time and otherwise interfering with their daily life.

Nearly three quarters of the women with OCD also showed signs of postpartum depression. As with depression, therapy would probably help new moms cope with OCD, according to Miller. ?If OCD symptoms are mild and resolve by six weeks' postpartum, they may be normal,? Miller says. ?But if they interfere with a patient's daily functioning and persist, she should talk to her doctor.?

More Unusual Causes of Mental Symptoms

Common life events occasionally lead to mental distress. If you think any of these scenarios might describe you or a loved one, tell a doctor: treatments today are more effective than ever.

Reading or hearing about a traumatic event may lead to a specific phobia, the persistent fear of a certain situation or object. Targeted exposure therapy has been shown to diminish, and perhaps erase, such phobias in a few sessions.

Bacterial infections, such as strep throat, may cause symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder in kids. Only a small subset of all OCD cases, which affect 3 percent of children, are thought to be caused by infections. Treatment with antibiotics cures most infected kids.

Eating more processed foods may be linked to experiencing greater levels of anxiety and depression. Avoiding grocery items with trans fats (hydrogenated oils) may help lift your mood.

Moving to a new house or school may trigger anorexia or bulimia in teens. Treatments such as talk therapy usually reverse the eating disorder.

Motherhood: Your brain on kids

For most women, having kids means new responsibilities and a shift in priorities. What moms don't realize is how kids physically change their brain.


This article was originally published with the title OCD in New Moms.


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Feeling stressed? Oxytocin could help you reach out to others for support

June 25, 2013 ? The next time someone snubs you at a party and you think hiding is the solution to escape your feelings of rejection, think again. Scientists have shown that reaching out to other people during a stressful event is an effective way to improve your mood, and researchers at Concordia University suggest that the hormone oxytocin may help you accomplish just that.

Mark Ellenbogen and Christopher Cardoso, researchers in Concordia's Centre for Research in Human Development are taking a closer look at oxytocin, a hormone traditionally studied for its role in childbirth and breastfeeding, and more recently for its effect on social behaviour. Their latest study, published in the peer-reviewed journal Psychoneuroendocrinology, shows that oxytocin can increase a person's trust in others following social rejection.

Explains Ellenbogen, "that means that instead of the traditional 'fight or flight' response to social conflict where people get revved up to respond to a challenge or run away from it, oxytocin may promote the 'tend and befriend' response where people reach out to others for support after a stressful event. That can, in turn, strengthen social bonds and may be a healthier way to cope."

In a double-blind experiment, 100 students were administered either oxytocin or a placebo via a nasal spray, then subjected to social rejection. In a conversation that was staged to simulate real life, researchers posing as students disagreed with, interrupted and ignored the unsuspecting participants. Using mood and personality questionnaires, the data showed that participants who were particularly distressed after being snubbed by the researchers reported greater trust in other people if they sniffed oxytocin prior to the event, but not if they sniffed the placebo. In contrast, oxytocin had no effect on trust in those who were not emotionally affected by social rejection.

Cardoso, who is a doctoral student in the Department of Psychology, says that studying oxytocin may provide future options for those who suffer from mental health conditions characterized by high levels of stress and low levels of social support, like depression. "If someone is feeling very distressed, oxytocin could promote social support seeking, and that may be especially helpful to those individuals," he says, noting that people with depression tend to naturally withdraw even though reaching out to social support systems can alleviate depression and facilitate recovery.

For Ellenbogen, who holds a Canada Research Chair in Developmental Psychopathology, the contribution of stress the development of mood disorders like depression and bipolar disorder has long been a research focus. "I'm concerned with the biological underpinnings of stress, particularly interpersonal stress, which is thought to be a strong predictor of these mental disorders. So, oxytocin is a natural fit with my interests," says Ellenbogen. "The next phase of research will begin to study oxytocin's effects in those who are at high risk for developing clinical depression."

Cardoso says reactions to oxytocin seem to be more variable depending on individual differences and contextual factors than most pharmaceuticals, so learning more about how the hormone operates can help scientists to figure out how it might be used in future treatments.

"Previous studies have shown that natural oxytocin is higher in distressed people, but before this study nobody could say with certainty why that was the case," Cardoso says, "In distressed people, oxytocin may improve one's motivation to reach out to others for support. That idea is cause for a certain degree of excitement, both in the research community and for those who suffer from mood disorders."


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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Thousands in pro-Erdogan demo in Vienna

VIENNA (AP) ? Several thousand people have taken part in a demonstration in Vienna in support of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Police said about 8,000 people participated in Sunday's pro-Erdogan demonstration in the Austrian capital? many waving red-and-white Turkish flags and some carrying banners with pictures of the Turkish leader.

About 600 people took part in a separate protest against a crackdown on anti-government demonstrations in Turkey.

Protests in Turkey erupted three weeks ago after riot police brutally cracked down on environmental activists opposing plans to develop Istanbul's Gezi Park.

The demonstrations soon turned into expressions of discontent against Erdogan, who won a third term in office in 2011 elections. His critics say he is showing increasingly authoritarian tendencies.

Austria has a sizeable Turkish community.


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Ex-Stone Temple Pilots singer Weiland weds


22 hours ago

Image: Scott Weiland.

? Bill Auth / Reuters

Scott Weiland.

Former Stone Temple Pilots frontman Scott Weiland is officially a married man!

The rocker said "I do" to photographer girlfriend Jamie Wachtel Saturday night at their Los Angeles home, according to PEOPLE. "We had the most beautiful, heartfelt ceremony," Wachtel tells the mag.

The bride donned a vintage dress from Paper Bag Princess in Beverly Hills and the groom looked dapper in John Varvatos as they exchanged their Pade Vavra rings.

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The Wildabouts rocker first met his now wife back in 2011 while filming music videos for his Christmas album. Scott told Billboard last year he knew when he met Jamie he'd be falling in love with her.

While on the music video shoot, Jamie told him "to tuck in your belly a little bit." He laughs: "It was around the holidays-it was after Thanksgiving, and you know how that tends to be. I was kind of caught off guard, and I started laughing and she started laughing. And I don't know ... something magical happened."

She then gave the rocker a ride home when he "just thought, 'I have a feeling that I am going to fall in love with this woman.'"

Congrats to the happy couple!


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Monday, June 24, 2013

Obama leaves Kenya off itinerary for Africa trip

(AP) ? When President Barack Obama arrives in Africa this week, there will be one notable omission from his travel itinerary: Kenya, the birthplace of his father and home to many of his relatives.

Concerns about Kenya's political situation have trumped Obama's family ties. Kenya's new president is facing charges of crimes against humanity in the International Criminal Court, accused of orchestrating the violence that marred the country's 2007 election.

Ahead of Uhuru Kenyatta's victory earlier this year, a top Obama administration official warned Kenyans that their "choices have consequences" ? a remark that now appears prescient given the president's decision to skip a stop in his ancestral homeland.

"The optics of that, of a presidential trip, are not what he wants to be demonstrating right now," said Jennifer Cooke, Africa director at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

The president will instead visit Senegal, South Africa and Tanzania, all countries that fit more neatly into the democracy and good governance message he'll tout during his weeklong trip. Obama, along with first lady Michelle Obama and daughters Malia and Sasha, is scheduled to depart Washington Wednesday morning.

The White House did consider a visit to Kenya when they contemplated an African swing during the president's first term, before Kenyatta's election. That trip never happened, but Obama pledged that he would, in fact, visit Kenya before leaving office.

"I'm positive that before my service as president is completed I will visit Kenya again," he said in a 2010 interview with Kenya's state broadcaster.

White House officials say they respect the right of Kenyans to choose their own leaders. But deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes said the U.S. also has "a commitment to accountability and justice."

"Given the fact that Kenya is in the aftermath of their election and the new government has come into place and is going to be reviewing these issues with the ICC and the international community, it just wasn't the best time for the president to travel to Kenya," Rhodes said.

Kenya's government has been muted in its response to the president's decision to leave the county off his itinerary.

"It's for the Americans to decide where Obama goes," spokesman Muthui Kariuki said. "There are 54 nations on the African continent and he's only visiting three, so I don't see the real big deal about not going to Kenya."

But Sam Ochieng, a political activitist who lives in Kibera, Nairobi's largest slum, said the U.S. president was sending a message about Kenya's political problems by putting democratic values ahead of his personal connections.

"It would be a shame for an American president to come to Kenya and shake dirty hands," Ochieng said.

By now, Obama's ties with Kenya are a well-known part of his unique family history. Barack Obama, Sr. was born in the western Kenyan village of Kogelo, moved to the U.S. to study, and met and married the president's mother in Hawaii. He left the family soon after his son was born.

Obama made his first trip to Kenya in 1988, after his father's death, and wrote extensively about the visit in his memoir "Dreams From My Father."

"My name belonged and so I belonged, drawn into a web of relationships, alliances and grudges that I did not yet understand," he wrote.

The president visited Kenya two more times, most recently in 2006 as a freshman senator. He was greeted by cheering crowds in the capital of Nairobi and in Kogelo, where he spent time with his grandmother and visited his father's grave. He and wife Michelle Obama also publicly took HIV tests, part of their campaign at the time to reduce the stigma surrounding the virus.

But Obama's nationally televised speech criticizing the government for failing to curb corruption or instill trust in its people earned him a cold shoulder from Kenya's leadership. Kenya's presidential spokesman said at the time that Obama was ignorant of Kenyan politics and had yet to form an understanding of foreign policy.

Kenya is an important strategic partner for the U.S. in East Africa. But the recent election has complicated the relationship.

Johnnie Carson, who until April served as head of the State Department's Africa bureau, said in the lead-up to this year's election that "choices have consequences," a comment that was viewed as a warning against electing Kenyatta. His remarks were widely criticized as an inappropriate intrusion into a sovereign nation's elections.

Kenyatta, the son of the country's first president, has been charged by the ICC as an "indirect co-perpetrator" for the crimes of murder, deportation, rape, persecution and inhumane acts allegedly committed by his supporters in the aftermath of the 2007 elections. He insists he is innocent of any wrongdoing.

More than 1,000 people were killed in the ethnic violence that followed the flawed 2007 contest.

The ICC has pushed back the start of Kenyatta's trial until Nov. 12. Kenyan deputy president William Ruto will also face similar charges at the international court in September.


Associated Press writer Jason Straziuso in Nairobi contributed to this report.


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Associated Press


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Saturday, June 22, 2013

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'Project Runway' season 12 changes: more Tim Gunn, added Fan Interaction

By Tim Kenneally

LOS ANGELES ( - Tim Gunn is going to have more time - and power - to make it work on the upcoming season of "Project Runway."

The Lifetime reality show has tinkered with its format for its 12th season, which premieres July 18. More screen time for the longstanding "Runway" mentor Gunn is part of the new formula.

Gunn will join the judges -- Heidi Klum, Nina Garcia and Zac Posen - during the runway show to answer questions that the judges have about what occurred in the workroom and give them the opportunity to physically examine the craftsmanship of each design.

Gunn's expanded role will also include the power to "rescue" one designer if he feels the contestant deserves a second chance.

A new feature dubbed Runway Redemption will allow fans to vote online for a past contestant to return, while the Project Runway Superfan Contest will choose seven fans via video submission to appear on "Project Runway" for a fashion makeover.

Also for the first time, fans will be able to interact with other viewers in real time during the episodes via a new interactive onscreen feature dubbed PlayRunway.

Guest judges for the upcoming season include Kate Bosworth, "Big Bang Theory" star Kaley Cuoco, Kelly Osbourne and Sigourney Weaver.


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