Friday, June 29, 2012

mcbrooklyn: Comptrollers Uncover Cell Phone Antenna Tax Cheats ...

Not only are your landlords frying your brains -- they may not be paying taxes on those rooftop cell phone towers, either.

City Comptroller John Liu and State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli said yesterday that New York City?s Department of Finance failed to collect an estimated $24 million in property taxes from property owners who neglected to report income from cell phone antennas.

That income can add up. The Dept. of Finance estimates that properties north of 125th Street and in the "outer" boroughs make about $2,000 a month per cell carrier that leases space. South of 125th Street, properties make an estimated $4,000 per month.

For some reason Brooklyn had the highest number of cell tower scofflaws, at 602. Manhattan came next, with 594. In Queens, the comptrollers uncovered 489 cell cheats; the Bronx had 363 and Staten Island had 60.

"This audit clearly outlines how the Finance Dept. can recover $24 million. That's real money that can stave off anything from tax increases to cuts in public services,? Comptroller Liu said.

?The audit findings released today show that with a little creativity and ingenuity the city can benefit tremendously," Comptroller DiNapoli said.

Photo by MK Metz

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Adam Levine Calls Christina Aguilera Feud Rumors 'BS'

'We bickered a little bit in the beginning. ... But I love her,' Levine says of his fellow 'Voice' judge.
By James Montgomery

Adam Levine at "MTV First: Maroon 5"

Last month, just as "The Voice" was wrapping its second season, reports began to circulate about a growing feud between judges Christina Aguilera and Adam Levine, one that supposedly involved plenty of behind-the-scenes bitching, more than a few temper tantrums and (quite possibly) one very public use of the c-word.

Of course, given that the show was heading toward its finale, one could reasonably assume some of that drama may have been cooked up to draw in viewers, though there were on-air moments where the tension between Aguilera and Levine seemed very real indeed. So, when Levine and his Maroon 5 mate James Valentine sat down with MTV News to premiere their brand-new "One More Night" video, we had to ask him about the feud. And while Levine didn't deny on-set friction, he let it be known that things have truly been blown out of proportion.

"We bickered a little bit in the beginning, to be totally truthful, we had a little bit of a rough start, just kind of all getting to know each other," he said. "But I love her, she's the best, and we're having a fantastic time as of late on the set. She's great, and all of that is sensationalized media BS ... so don't worry about any of that."

And while Levine made it clear that he'd much rather be discussing Maroon 5's just-released Overexposed album, he understands that rumors like this are all part of living life beneath the glare of the spotlight. And he's not exactly losing any sleep over that fact.

"It affects you as much as you let it. I mean, I know the deal, so as long as I do, it doesn't matter what people say," he explained. "Think about if we listened to what people say all the time, imagine how crazy it would make you."

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Easier way to make new drug compounds

ScienceDaily (June 27, 2012) ? Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute have developed a powerful new technique for manipulating the building-block molecules of organic chemistry. The technique enables chemists to add new functional molecules to previously hard-to-reach positions on existing compounds -- making it easier for them to generate new drugs and other organic chemicals.

"This is a basic tool for making novel chemical compounds, and it should have a wide range of applications," said Jin-Quan Yu, PhD, a professor at Scripps Research and senior author of the new report, published in the June 28, 2012 issue of the journal Nature. The co-lead authors are Dasheng Leow, PhD, a former Yu lab member who is now a researcher at the A*Star Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology in Singapore, and Gang Li, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow in the Yu laboratory.

"Controlled selectivity and reaction efficiency are important goals in synthetic chemistry methods for discovering and manufacturing therapeutic and diagnostic agents," said Robert Lees, PhD, who oversees chemical synthesis grants at the National Institutes of Health's National Institute of General Medical Sciences, which partially supported the work. "Professor Yu's work is an exciting example of progress toward those goals, and his novel methods are likely to find broad utility in pharmaceutical research."

The new advance is a method for "CH activation" -- chemists' code for the removal of a simple hydrogen atom from the carbon backbone of an organic molecule, and the replacement of that hydrogen atom with a functional chemical group. Compared to the traditional method, in which chemists modify only the existing functional groups on a compound, CH activation more directly boosts the complexity of a compound, giving it potentially valuable new properties.

Overcoming Technical Obstacles

Over the past decade, Yu has helped to pioneer the development of versatile CH-activation techniques. But the use of these techniques has been limited by important technical obstacles. For example, some strategies employ a specially designed molecule that contains the bond-cracking metal palladium; it can attach to an existing functional group on a chemical at an angle that puts the palladium in position to sever a particular CH bond nearby -- enabling the attachment of a new functional group at that site. So far, such activation techniques have been useful only against CH bonds that are close to a functional group and that occupy the most accessible relative position (the ortho position) on an aromatic hydrocarbon's carbon-ring backbone.

"But what if a CH bond is in the middle of a desert, so to speak -- far from the nearest functional group?" said Yu. "And what if it is also on the hard-to-access meta position, facing away from the nearest functional group in terms of geometry? How do you reach out so far and then around, to cut it?"

In the new study, Yu and his team showed just how to do this with a chemical structure that can deliver bond-breaking palladium to a relatively remote CH site, more than a dozen bonds distant from the nearest functional group. The lengthy, modifiable structure includes a nitrile (a carbon-nitrogen group) and has a flexibility that allows it to act like a crane swinging a wrecking ball. "It brings the palladium out and around to the CH bond at the meta position, and it has the right length and angle so that it will not touch any other positions," said Li.

"It overwhelms the intrinsic preference for other usually more reactive and accessible CH bonds," said Leow.

Just a Small Sample of the Possibilities

The team used the technique to quickly modify a variety of compounds, including the amino acid phenylalanine and the neurotransmitter-mimicking drug baclofen. "These are from compound classes that chemists use routinely to synthesize new candidate drugs and other useful chemicals," Yu said. "And they represent just a small sample of the possibilities; we think that we can apply our technique to many compound classes and functional groups."

Yu has now established a collaboration with the pharma giant Bristol Myers Squibb to exploit the new technique in drug development and manufacturing. "The new method will certainly be adopted by pharmaceutical chemists, but I expect that polymer chemists, materials chemists, and others will find it useful too," he said.Yu's research is funded by the National Institutes of Health.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by The Scripps Research Institute, via AlphaGalileo.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Dasheng Leow, Gang Li, Tian-Sheng Mei, Jin-Quan Yu. Activation of remote meta-C?H bonds assisted by an end-on template. Nature, 2012; 486 (7404): 518 DOI: 10.1038/nature11158

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

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Listening and Longing: Music Lovers in the Age of Barnum

Daniel Cavicchi takes a detailed look at 19th-century music consumers.

June 25, 2012

Listening and Longing: Music Lovers in the Age of Barnum By Daniel Cavicchi Wesleyan University Press 280 pp.


Reviewed by Robert Christgau for The Barnes & Noble Review

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Music was booming in America well before Edison's 1877 invention of the phonograph transformed it into a utility as ubiquitous as electricity and flush toilets, which took about 50 years. By 1900 there were symphony orchestras in Pittsburgh and St. Louis, opera houses in Newberry, South Carolina, and Central City, Colorado, and added to these exceptional cases were countless theaters in which music of every kind was performed willy-nilly, often on the same bill. In 1870, American strivers bought 80 home pianos daily and filled their benches with sheet music; a decade later, local brass bands were epidemic as sales of cornets and trombones skyrocketed. Yet because 19th-century America produced no opera or symphony composers of note, all this action is still ignored by a defensively snobbish American musicological establishment.

Music scholar Daniel Cavicchi isn't a musicologist and doesn't think overmuch about composers. He teaches American studies at the Rhode Island School of Design, and traces his ethnographic approach to music scholarship to the Music in Daily Life Project overseen by the seminal popular music scholar Charles Keil at SUNY Buffalo. In 1993 Cavicchi, Keil, and Susan D. Crafts published My Music: 41 interviews with everyday fans that explode the fantasy of exclusive "taste subcultures" so dear to sociologists and marketers (and critics too) just by recounting musical preferences that cross more genre boundaries than experts consider appropriate. In 1998, he turned his Brown Ph.D. thesis into Tramps Like Us: Music & Meaning Among Springsteen Fans, dominated by summaries of and longish quotes from about 100 Bruce devotees that focus on feelings and experiences while barely touching the music itself ? even though Cavicchi's candid passion for that music helps ground and humanize the material.

As a critic, I have reservations about a method Cavicchi never suggests is the only way to address music. But as a democrat I welcome it. "My Music"
changed the way I think about fandom and established Cavicchi's right to write music history his way. The result is Listening and Longing: Music Lovers in the Age of Barnum, a detailed look at 19th-century music consumers that at a mere 192 pages stands as a painstaking, groundbreaking work of scholarship that adds substantially to our understanding of all that disrespected action. Cavicchi's approach propels him well beyond music proper. He believes that in the context of such "cultures of hearing" as oratory and hucksterism, "music lovers," as he likes to call them, were key players in the 19th century's fundamental identity-building project. As country boys tried their luck in the city and young middle-class women edged away from hearth and home, they developed their own ideas about pleasure, leisure, and class. Transformed inexorably into atomized cultural and economic actors, they struggled to make the most of it and enjoyed themselves along the way.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

In Its Ongoing War With Netflix, Amazon?s Lovefilm Signs 20th Century Fox Deal

Buffy_the_Vampire_Slayer_TV_Series-126542560-largeAmazon-owned Lovefilm, which competes with Netflix in the UK, has signed a multi-year content deal with Twentieth Century Fox, giving Lovefilm's UK members streaming access to recent and forthcoming movies and TV series in the so-called 'second pay window'. The move comes as the connected TV business is heating up in the UK, with Google TV finally making its way here too. The film deal will start with titles theatrically released in the UK in 2011, which will be made available to Lovefilm subscribers around March 2013. Members will also get access to Twentieth Century Fox Television Distribution content such as motorcycle drama "Sons of Anarchy" and all seasons of "24", "Prison Break", "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and its spin-off "Angel".

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Analysis: Kuwait to weather crisis but faces long-run instability

(Reuters) - Kuwait is likely to face more instability in the long run even when it emerges from its latest crisis, as its opposition pushes for more say in governing the major oil exporter and U.S. ally.

The Gulf state has escaped the kind of mass popular protests that forced four Arab dictators out of office in 18 months. But the success of those uprisings has heightened opposition calls for a full parliamentary democracy in Kuwait in which governments are chosen by elected majority blocs.

The Gulf state's cabinet resigned on Monday, days after a top court annulled a February election that gave the Islamist-led opposition a majority. It ruled that a previous assembly friendly to the government should replace it instead.

Most parliamentarians and analysts expect that Kuwait's 83-year-old emir, who has the last say in politics, will dissolve the reinstated parliament soon, triggering elections some time after the holy month of Ramadan which starts around July 19.

Last week, politicians from the outgoing assembly raised the stakes in their standoff with the government, when they said that a "full parliamentary system" had become a necessity.

"The basis of this crisis is the same as all the is a deep political crisis and relates to the chiefdom mentality of the powers which is not allowing Kuwait to develop into the modern and democratic state," said Ahmad al-Deyain, a member of Kuwait's leftist "Progressive Current".

"Kuwaiti opposition is now much more widespread and the population is a lot more aware."

Kuwait was buffeted by regular demonstrations in 2011, including one in November in which hundreds of angry men stormed parliament to press for the sacking of the premier at that time.

Politicians from the previous parliament have now called for protests against the annulment of the February election result.

"The Arab Spring may have exacerbated existing tensions that were already there," said Sam Wilkin, associate analyst at Control Risks in Dubai. "That may have played a role in the limited amount of popular protest that did occur in Kuwait."

While the latest turn of political events came as a surprise, some said it would give Kuwait the chance to wipe the slate clean, at least in the short-term.

"My understanding is that this crisis will pass smoothly," Ghanim al-Najjar, professor of political science at Kuwait University, said. "The parliament might meet once then it will be dissolved as it should then fresh elections will be called for and we will move on."

Political turmoil is not new in Kuwait, which has ushered in four parliaments in six years.

One of the world's wealthiest countries per capita, the OPEC member state has struggled with a corruption scandal implicating political figures and poor parliament-government relations that have hampered policymaking.


Although Kuwait has one of the most democratic systems in a Gulf region ruled by autocrats, political parties are banned so politicians tend to form blocs based on religious and tribal ties. This has complicated Kuwait's political scene and at times aggravated underlying sectarian tensions between majority Sunni Muslims and Shi'ite Muslims, who include some vocal politicians.

The current crisis is different to the one that engulfed the country late last year, Najjar said, because the unpopular prime minister, a nephew of the emir, has been removed.

Sheikh Nasser al-Mohammad al-Sabah's government resigned last year after some opposition lawmakers accused it of having made a series of illegal financial transfers via Kuwait's overseas embassies.

A judicial tribunal cleared him of any wrongdoing but the suspicions against him and other political figures helped Kuwait's mainly Islamist opposition make gains in February's election when they campaigned on an anti-corruption platform.

Opposition lawmakers failed to strike a deal with the ruling family in February for a significant share of cabinet posts. They were offered four out of a possible 16 following the election, but they held out for nine, scuttling any deal.

Since then, the emboldened opposition has sought to question cabinet ministers in parliament and forced the resignation of two, including the finance minister.


The infighting has distracted lawmakers from legislation and threatened the timetable of Kuwait's 30 billion dinar ($107 billion) economic development plan that includes major infrastructure projects supposed to draw in foreign investment.

The next parliamentary election might bring in a more government-friendly assembly, Wilkin from Control Risks said, as the aftermath of the corruption scandal runs its course.

Opposition parliamentarians came in on an anti-graft platform but then pushed for Islamist legislation instead, he said, instead of sticking strictly to their manifestos.

"Since being elected they have pursued Islamist legislation to a degree not representative of Kuwait's population, which is relatively secular in outlook," he said, citing a push to make Islamic law the main source of all legislation and efforts to bring in the death penalty for blasphemy.

Emir Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah blocked both proposals, according to MPs.

But governance in the state of 3.6 million people is complicated by its ungainly political structure.

Kuwait's hereditary emir picks the prime minister, who selects 15 ministers to join his cabinet, usually with members of the Sunni ruling family in senior posts.

This cabinet has to work with an elected parliament of 50 lawmakers and relations have been fraught. The emir also has the power to dissolve the assembly as many times as he pleases.

He has often exercised this power when fighting between the parliament and cabinet peaked and when senior government ministers are under pressure.

"The emir remains determined to prevent the opposition from challenging the regime's structural pillars," analyst Ayham Kamel from Eurasia group wrote in a note last week.

"Many within the ruling family have come to believe that the emir's accommodation of opposition demands have weakened the al-Sabah family and the foundations of the political system."

(Additional reporting by Layla Maghribi in Dubai; Editing by Mark Heinrich)

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Apart from interfering with your beach vacation, there's another, more serious reason to steer clear of summer surgery if you can: a 10% spike in fatalities at teaching hospitals in July, confirmed by a new Journal of General Internal Medicine study.

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Philanthropy needs simpler support: Perpetual Private | Top ...

Financial Standard - Philanthropy needs simpler support: Perpetual Private

Philanthropic giving in the last few years has been under valued in Australia because of a disproportionate focus on tax structures and increased regulation on charitable vehicles such as private ancillary funds.

Andrew Thomas, general manager - philanthropy at Perpetual Private said he believes that while many philanthropists are reticent about publicity, some recognition would encourage even greater level of generosity.

Australia currently sits third in terms of giving as a proportion of GDP (0.69%), behind the US (1.67%) and the UK (0.73%).

The public treatment of private philanthropy is topical, with Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne using his budget speech in March to argue tax breaks to wealthy donors were overly generous and unfair.

Osborne's argument is the cost of the exemption is borne by the rest of the population in the form of higher taxes.

Britain is not alone in re-assessing incentives with the Obama administration also questioning revenue impact amid moves to limit the amount of giving that can be deducted from taxable income.

For Australia, currently in the throes of charitable sector reform, Thomas says additional red tape will be counterintuitive and that legislative changes miss the point of why people give - predominately for personal reasons.

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Italy beats England on penalties at Euro 2012, 4-2

Italy players celebrate after Alessandro Diamanti scored the decisive penalty shootout during the Euro 2012 soccer championship quarterfinal match between England and Italy in Kiev, Ukraine, Monday, June 25, 2012. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)

Italy players celebrate after Alessandro Diamanti scored the decisive penalty shootout during the Euro 2012 soccer championship quarterfinal match between England and Italy in Kiev, Ukraine, Monday, June 25, 2012. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)

Italy goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon makes a save in the penalty shootout during the Euro 2012 soccer championship quarterfinal match between England and Italy in Kiev, Ukraine, Monday, June 25, 2012. (AP Photo/Michael Sohn)

Italy goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon makes a save in the penalty shootout during the Euro 2012 soccer championship quarterfinal match between England and Italy in Kiev, Ukraine, Monday, June 25, 2012. (AP Photo/Michael Sohn)

Italy's Alessandro Diamanti scores in the decisive penalty shootout during the Euro 2012 soccer championship quarterfinal match between England and Italy in Kiev, Ukraine, Monday, June 25, 2012. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)

England's Steven Gerrard reacts after scoring in the penalthy shootout during the Euro 2012 soccer championship quarterfinal match between England and Italy in Kiev, Ukraine, Monday, June 25, 2012. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)

(AP) ? After two hours of clever, often dominating but in the end fruitless play, Italy found the answer against England.

Penalty kicks.

Alessandro Diamanti scored the decisive kick Sunday to send Italy through to the European Championship semifinals with a 4-2 win in the shootout following a 0-0 tie with England.

Italy will next play Germany in the semifinals on Thursday in Warsaw, Poland. Defending champion Spain plays Portugal on Wednesday in Donetsk, Ukraine.

"We deserved this victory," Diamanti said. "The penalties rewarded our dominance during the match. It's only fair, we played a great match and battled from the first to the last minute."

But not until penalties by Mario Balotelli, Andrea Pirlo ? with an audacious slow chip-shot down the middle of the goal ? and Antonio Nocerino did the Azzurri find the net. Steven Gerrard and Wayne Rooney scored England's penalties.

The difference: Ashley Young hit the crossbar with England's third, and Ashley Cole's attempt was saved by Gianluigi Buffon.

For England, it was yet another exit from a major tournament in the quarterfinals after a penalty shootout. England lost to Portugal in the same manner at Euro 2004 and the 2006 World Cup.

"It's obviously a hard way to go out," England striker Wayne Rooney said. "And it's maybe happened too many times now."

England briefly led the shootout after Riccardo Montolivo missed Italy's second penalty. His shot went wide of Joe Hart's right post as the England goalkeeper guessed correctly.

Rooney then sent Buffon the wrong way, firing in his spot kick to the keeper's right to give England a 2-1 lead.

The momentum shifted after Pirlo's bold piece of skill leveled it 2-2.

"I just saw that the goalkeeper was moving a bit earlier so I decided to play it the other way," Pirlo said. "It just comes to you at that moment and it went well."

Not for England.

"We have done the country proud, but again we go home with heartbreak and it's difficult to take," said Gerrard, who played in both those previous shootout losses.

The match ended 0-0 after 120 minutes of play. The Italians twice hit the post, but were also let down by poor composure in front of the net. Diamanti clipped the post with a curling cross in the 101st minute, and swept a shot wide in the clearest chance of the second period of extra time.

Nocerino, another substitute, thought he had scored from Diamanti's cross in the 115th but was offside.

Daniele De Rossi hit the post in the third minute, and Buffon saved a shot from Glen Johnson in the fifth.

The first scoreless match at Euro 2012 was neither dull nor lacking good soccer.

Italy's attacking desire and creativity under coach Cesare Prandelli had playmaker Pirlo at its heart. Italy had 35 shots, compared to only nine for England.

An intriguing match almost demanded that Balotelli take center stage. The Italy forward ran clear in the 25th, but hesitated and allowed John Terry to block his chipped shot.

Balotelli forced Hart, his teammate at Manchester City, to save an acrobatic shot, then surged between England's central defenders before putting a half-volley over the crossbar. He kicked the goal post in frustration.

Italy continued surging in the second half and De Rossi, taking a ball over his shoulder, scuffed his shot wide. De Rossi sank to his knees in obvious exasperation, and more Italian frustration quickly followed.

Three rapid-fire chances in the 52nd saw Hart beat away De Rossi's long-range shot, block Balotelli's follow-up and watch Montolivo lash the loose ball high.

England coach Roy Hodgson had to react to Italy's dominance, and sent on substitutes Andy Carroll and Theo Walcott, who both scored in a 3-2 win over Sweden.

Carroll's muscular presence created a shooting chance for Young, but England still failed to convince. Rooney made little impression after an early diving header.

De Rossi was replaced by Nocerino and the substitute threatened in the 89th. He took another crafty pass from Pirlo on the run, but Johnson tracked back to block.

Deep into injury time, Italian defensive jitters created a chance for Rooney but his overhead kick sailed high.

Then it was on to penalties. And Diamante's heroics.

"Getting to this point is a huge satisfaction," Diamanti said. "I always believed I would, even when I played in the inter-regional division ? I just never told anyone, because they would have thought I was crazy."



England: Joe Hart, Glen Johnson, Joleon Lescott, John Terry, Ashley Cole, James Milner (Theo Walcott, 61), Steven Gerrard, Scott Parker (Jordan Henderson, 94), Ashley Young, Wayne Rooney, Danny Welbeck (Andy Carroll, 60).

Italy: Gianluigi Buffon, Ignazio Abate (Christian Maggio, 90), Leonardo Bonucci, Andrea Barzagli, Federico Balzaretti, Daniele De Rossi (Antonio Nocerino, 80), Riccardo Montolivo, Andrea Pirlo, Claudio Marchisio, Mario Balotelli, Antonio Cassano (Alessandro Diamanti, 78).

Associated Press

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Seattle pool allows topless breast cancer survivor

Jodi Jaecks is seen in a June 20, 2012 photo in Seattle. Jaecks, 47, pressed for months to swim topless in a city pool after her double mastectomy made wearing swim tops painful. The Seattle Parks and Recreation Department has reversed a decision by its aquatics manager and decided to allow Jaecks to swim topless in a public pool. Parks Superintendent Christopher Williams says there's nothing to alarm the public, so the department decided to make an exception to its dress policy for public pools. (AP Photo/The Seattle Times, Dean Rutz) SEATTLE OUT, USA TODAY OUT, MAGAZINES OUT, TELEVISION OUT, NO SALES. MANDATORY CREDIT TO: DEAN RUTZ/THE SEATTLE TIMES.

Jodi Jaecks is seen in a June 20, 2012 photo in Seattle. Jaecks, 47, pressed for months to swim topless in a city pool after her double mastectomy made wearing swim tops painful. The Seattle Parks and Recreation Department has reversed a decision by its aquatics manager and decided to allow Jaecks to swim topless in a public pool. Parks Superintendent Christopher Williams says there's nothing to alarm the public, so the department decided to make an exception to its dress policy for public pools. (AP Photo/The Seattle Times, Dean Rutz) SEATTLE OUT, USA TODAY OUT, MAGAZINES OUT, TELEVISION OUT, NO SALES. MANDATORY CREDIT TO: DEAN RUTZ/THE SEATTLE TIMES.

SEATTLE (AP) ? A Seattle breast cancer survivor whose breasts were surgically removed has gained the permission to swim topless at a city pool.

But Jodi Jaecks wants to make sure her privilege is also extended to other breast cancer survivors who want to swim comfortably.

"Initially when I heard about the reversal, I was elated. Then it came that it wasn't a policy change, it was just an exception for me. Then I was quite deflated. It seemed like it was a reaction that it was just meant to appease me," the 47-year-old said Thursday.

Seattle Parks and Recreation Superintendent Christopher Williams announced Wednesday that he was giving Jaecks an exception to the department's clothing policy.

"Our original concern stems from our responsibility to accommodate the needs of all our patrons. In this case, I see nothing that might alarm the public," Williams said in a statement. He was reacting to an article about Jaecks that was published in The Stranger weekly newspaper, which also ran a picture of her topless.

Parks spokeswoman Dewey Potter said Thursday that Williams has decided to create a committee made up of cancer survivors, parks staff, King County health representatives and others to come up with a new policy.

Until a new policy is written, Williams will review on a case-by-case basis requests from people who have had surgery and want to swim.

After enduring two surgeries, rounds of chemotherapy and the surgical removal of both her breasts in March 2011, Jaecks wanted to turn to swimming to regain her strength. But swimsuit tops proved too uncomfortable, and nerves on her chest remained tender, Jaecks said.

So she asked the manager at her city pool if she could swim topless this past March. Eventually, she heard from the head of the aquatics department, who told her she couldn't.

"And that's when they said it was a policy that they required gender-appropriate clothing ... regardless if I had nipples or whatever," Jaecks said.

Potter said pool staff was following city policy. But she said it was "unfortunate" the issue didn't get to Williams' attention until now.

Jaecks hasn't swum topless yet. She is planning a swim Monday. Her exception extends only to adult lap hours.

She plans to meet with Williams next week and ask that her exception be extended to anyone who survived breast cancer.

Jaecks said cancer patients shouldn't be made to feel self-conscious by asking for special permission.

Associated Press

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

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Friday, June 22, 2012

American Airlines pilots reject contract offer

(AP) ? The pilots' union on Wednesday rejected the latest contract offer from American Airlines, which is awaiting a judge's ruling on whether it can impose its own terms for cutting costs that include eliminating thousands of jobs.

The union's board voted 11-5 to reject the company's offer. American said it was disappointed that the union didn't let members vote on the contract.

A federal bankruptcy judge is scheduled to rule Friday on whether American can break its current contracts with pilots and other union workers. The pilots' union wants in that ruling delayed.

American and parent AMR Corp., filed for bankruptcy protection in November. American is the nation's third-biggest airline behind United and Delta.

Its attempt to fix itself has been complicated by US Airways, which has taken steps toward a potential takeover of AMR ? something that AMR executives don't want to talk about yet. US Airways won the support of American's unions by promising fewer layoffs and even some wage increases if it buys AMR.

American wants to emerge from bankruptcy as an independent company. To do that, it says it must cut labor costs by $1.25 billion per year ? mostly by eliminating nearly 12,000 union jobs. American has about 75,000 employees including nearly 55,000 union members.

While pilots would bear only 400 of the immediate job losses, they have complained bitterly about other changes sought by American. A key ingredient to the turnaround plan is boosting revenue by selling seats on other U.S. airlines as if they were American flights.

American can't do that under the current contract with pilots, who fear that so-called code-sharing would mean fewer pilot jobs at American. But federal law lets companies in bankruptcy scuttle their union contracts if it's essential to their survival.

After several days of last-ditch negotiations, American made a new contract proposal to the pilots' union last week. The union said there were "clear improvements" over American's original plan but that some areas, such as scheduling, which affects a pilot's pay, were too vague.

"This is still a concessionary contract," said union spokesman Tom Hoban.

Still, Hoban said the two sides were "very close in many areas." He said that union President David Bates asked AMR CEO Thomas Horton to seek the judge's approval for more time to negotiate by pushing back Friday's deadline.

American Airlines spokesman Bruce Hicks said the company offered pay increases, profit sharing, stock in the company that emerges from bankruptcy, and freezing the pilots' pension plan instead of terminating it.

Hicks said American was disappointed that the union didn't let rank-and-file pilots vote on the offer. The Transport Workers Union, which represents American ground workers, let its members vote and five of the union's seven groups ratified company offers.


Follow David Koenig at

Associated Press

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Thursday, June 21, 2012

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UEFA launches new racism probe of Croatia

Associated Press Sports

updated 12:32 p.m. ET June 20, 2012

WARSAW, Poland (AP) - UEFA has launched a new racism investigation of Croatia after its fans displayed offensive banners during a European Championship match.

UEFA says it has opened disciplinary proceedings against the Croatian soccer federation "for the setting-off and throwing of fireworks, and the improper conduct of supporters (display of racist banners and symbols)" during the Group C match against Spain on Monday.

The federation was fined $101,000 on Tuesday after fans racially abused Italy forward Mario Balotelli in the team's second group match.

UEFA's disciplinary body will deal with the new case Sunday.

Croatia was eliminated from Euro 2012 after finishing third in a group that also included Ireland.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Will The Microsoft Surface Tablet Redefine Mobile Computing?

surfaceMicrosoft just took the wraps off the all new Microsoft Surface. Even though the name is familiar this is an entirely new product. Simply put, the Surface is a Windows 8 tablet. But it seems so much more. In fact, perhaps I'm still a little drunk on Microsoft Kool-Aid, but the Surface seems like the next generation of mobile computing. While Surface might not kill the iPad, it might revive Microsoft. To be clear, the Surface is Microsoft's hardware. This is a not a Dell or HP tablet running Microsoft's software. Microsoft clearly designed this tablet to best showcase Windows 8. The tablet itself seems fantastic. Compared to the iPad, it's a bit utilitarian with hard lines, full size I/O ports, and heat vents. But it also seems like a serious tablet rather than a plaything.

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Monday, June 18, 2012

Romney kicks off bus tour across critical Ohio

AAA??Jun. 17, 2012?10:15 PM ET
Romney kicks off bus tour across critical Ohio

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, left, serves pancakes with his wife Ann, during a campaign stop at Mapleside Farms Sunday, June 17, 2012, in Brunswick, Ohio. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, left, serves pancakes with his wife Ann, during a campaign stop at Mapleside Farms Sunday, June 17, 2012, in Brunswick, Ohio. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Sandy Siedlecki of Medina, Ohio, right, holds her 3-year-old granddaughter Rilei in the rain while they wait for Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney to arrive for a campaign stop at Mapleside Farms on Sunday, June 17, 2012 in Brunswick, Ohio. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Supporters of Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney wait in the rain for his arrival to a campaign stop at Mapleside Farms on Sunday, June 17, 2012 in Brunswick, Ohio. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney gestures during a campaign stop at Mapleside Farms on Sunday, June 17, 2012 in Brunswick, Ohio. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Supporters of Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney wait in the rain for his arrival to a campaign stop at Mapleside Farms on Sunday, June 17, 2012 in Brunswick, Ohio. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

(AP) ? Mitt Romney is focusing on his grandchildren on Father's Day, bringing three of them to talk to the reporters traveling on his campaign plane.

The likely Republican presidential nominee on Sunday brought Parker, Nick and Chloe Romney to meet the press corps that sometimes sits in the rear of his charter aircraft. Romney himself rarely answers questions in such settings.

Parker, 6, said he thinks "Papa" ? the nickname his grandchildren use for him ? will beat President Barack Obama in November.

Romney's grandchildren have traveled with the campaign regularly. Obama's young daughters, Sasha and Malia, traveled with him during the 2008 campaign, though he's generally shielded them from coverage since.

Romney was flying from Ohio to Wisconsin to continue his bus tour.

Associated Press

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

NATO will exit Afghanistan as Soviets did, through Central Asia

NATO signs deals with Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan to truck its military supplies from Afghan war out through Central Asia, giving it options instead of closed Pakistan route.

By Scott Baldauf,?Staff writer / June 5, 2012

A NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) walks toward the police checkpoint in Jalalabad east of Kabul, Afghanistan, last week. NATO will exit Afghanistan through Central Asia, the same route the Soviet troops took after their withdrawal.

Rahmat Gul/AP


NATO may not know the final result of its intervention in Afghanistan, but it now has an exit plan. And the exit will take place through Central Asia, the same route the Soviet troops took after their withdrawal in 1988 and 1989.

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As relations worsen between the United States and Pakistan, NATO has signed deals with Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan (see map here) to move out the tons of equipment that must be withdrawn by 2014, when NATO makes its final exit from Afghanistan.

Speaking with Agence France-Presse news agency, NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said that NATO now considers Central Asia and its Russian-built roads to be the most expedient route out of Afghanistan. ?

"These agreements will give us a range of new options and the robust and flexible transport network we need," Mr. Rasmussen said.

Tarnished by more than a decade of war, mutual recriminations, and foreign policy goals that are increasingly at odds, the US-Pakistani relationship now has reached a nadir. From the early post 9/11 days, when NATO received 90 percent of its supplies for the Afghan war through the Pakistani port of Karachi, now Pakistan has cut off NATO?s old supply routes. Last November, Pakistan banned NATO?s use of Pakistani territory after NATO planes mistakenly bombed a Pakistani post, killing 24 Pakistani soldiers.

For Pakistan, the NATO bombing was the last straw, following the violation of its territorial sovereignty last year when US Navy SEALs captured and killed Osama bin Laden in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad.

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Saturday, June 16, 2012

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China poised for most ambitious space mission yet

(AP) ? China will launch three astronauts, including a mother of one who flies transport planes, to live and work on a space station for about a week, a major step in its goal of becoming only the third nation with a permanent base orbiting Earth.

Liu Yang, a 34-year-old, volleyball-playing air force pilot, and two male colleagues will be launched Saturday in the Shenzhou 9 spacecraft that will dock with the bus-sized Tiangong 1 space module now orbiting 322 kilometers (200 miles) above the Earth.

Two of the astronauts will live and work inside the module to test its life-support systems while the third will remain in the capsule to deal with unexpected emergencies. State media have said the mission will last about 10 days before the astronauts travel back to Earth in the capsule that will land on the Western Chinese grasslands with the help of parachutes.

The official Xinhua News Agency announced Friday that Liu would be joined by male astronauts Jing Haipeng and Liu Wang and that the launch would take place at 6:37 p.m. (1237 GMT) Saturday.

Success in docking ? and in living and working aboard the Tiangong 1 ? would smooth the way for more ambitious projects, such as sending a man to the moon, and add to China's international prestige in line with its growing economic prowess.

If completed, the mission will put China alongside the United States and Russia as the only countries to have independently maintained space stations, a huge boost to Beijing's ambitions of becoming a space power. It already is in the exclusive three-nation club to have launched a spacecraft with astronauts on its own.

The mission "demonstrates China's commitment to its long-term human spaceflight plan," said Joan Johnson-Freese, an expert on the Chinese space program at the U.S. Naval War College in Rhode Island.

She said its success "will demonstrate the technological capabilities requisite for a future permanent space station."

Still, that is some years away. The Tiangong 1 is only a prototype, and the plan is to eventually replace it with a permanent ? and bigger ? space station due for completion around 2020.

The permanent station will weigh about 60 tons, slightly smaller than NASA's Skylab of the 1970s and about one-sixth the size of the 16-nation International Space Station.

Analysts say China's exclusion from the ISS, largely on objections from the United States, was one of the key spurs for it to pursue an independent program 20 years ago, which reaches a high point with Saturday's launch.

The three astronauts will conduct scientific and engineering tasks on Tiangong, or Heavenly Palace, which was put into orbit in September.

Morris Jones, an Australian writer and space analyst, said they will also conduct experiments, likely including physiological tests on themselves, in anticipation of longer stays in future.

China first launched a man into space in 2003 followed by a two-man mission in 2005 and a three-man trip in 2008 that featured China's first space walk.

In November 2011, the unmanned Shenzhou 8, successfully docked with the Tiangong 1 by remote control ? twice to show the durability of the system.

While operating with limited resources, China's space program is a source of huge national pride and enjoys top-level political and military backing. This has left it largely immune from the budgetary pressures affecting NASA, although China doesn't say what it spends on the program.

The selection of the first female astronaut is giving the program an additional publicity boost. State media have gushed this week about Liu, pointing out that she once successfully landed her plane after a bird strike disabled one of its engines.

As with China's other female astronaut candidates, Liu is married and has a child, a requirement because the space program worries that exposure to space radiation may affect fertility.


AP reporter Christopher Bodeen in Beijing contributed to this report.

Associated Press

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