Thursday, May 31, 2012

New online service promises to match up women with the perfect bra

Struggling to find the right bras for you? This website could help you out

Shopping for bras online is tough, especially when you?don't wear the proper bra size, and you're not sure what types work best for you.?Today a new website called?True & Co launched a service that promises to make buying underwear on the web a lot easier. It even had us wondering: "Is this the?future of online (bra) shopping?"

True & Co aims to help you get brassieres that fit perfectly by first asking you a set of questions about your body type and the kinds of bras your wear. The service will then match you up with three products according to your specifications, including brand and bra type, and another two of its own choosing.

Make a deposit of $45 and all five items will be sent to you?? you only pay for the ones you keep in the end. The products you don't want to pay for should be packed in the same shopping box and sent back within seven days. It's pretty much like trying out clothes in a mall or a boutique, except the items get sent straight to your home and you can try them on as many times as you want.

Of course, there's nothing that keeps you from wearing all five bras within the return period, but anything the service deems you should pay for will probably be charged on your credit card.


This article was written by Mariella Moon and originally appeared on Tecca

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West expels envoys over massacre of Syrian children

BEIRUT (Reuters) - Western powers expelled Syria's envoys on Tuesday in outrage at a massacre of 108 people, almost half of them children, and peace envoy Kofi Annan urged President Bashar al-Assad to halt the bloodshed as "a tipping point" had been reached.

The killings in the town of Houla drew a chorus of condemnation from around the world, with the United Nations saying entire families were killed in their homes on Friday, some by army tanks and others probably by pro-Assad militia.

"Bashar al-Assad is the murderer of his people," French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius told Le Monde. "He must relinquish power. The sooner the better."

U.S. State Department spokeswoman described an "absolutely indefensible, vile, despicable massacre against innocent children, women, shot at point blank range by regime thugs."

U.N. peacekeeping chief Herve Ladsous, whose monitors are in Syria, contradicted the Assad's government assertion that the killings were carried out by terrorist gangs.

"Part of the victims had been killed by artillery shells, now that points ever so clearly to the responsibility of the government. Only the government has heavy weapons, has tanks, has howitzers," Ladsous told reporters, adding:

"But there are also victims from individual weapons, victims from knife wounds and that of course is less clear but probably points the way to the (pro-Assad) shabbihas, the local militia."

The United States, France, Britain, Canada, Germany, Italy, Spain, Australia and Bulgaria gave Syria's envoys hours or days to leave their capitals in a coordinated move meant to isolate Assad further diplomatically.

Some had already expelled ambassadors or downgraded ties and so, like Washington, ordered out less senior charges d'affaires.

Western countries that have called for Assad to step down hope the Houla killings will tip global opinion, notably that of Syria's main protector Russia, towards more effective action.

The killings have contributed to doubt about whether a peace plan backed by Annan, a former U.N. secretary general, has any chance of success. Some of Assad's opponents say Annan's plan is only making the situation worse by buying Assad time.


Annan said that in his talks with the Syrian leader in Damascus he "conveyed in frank terms the grave concern of the international community about the violence in Syria, including the recent shocking events in Houla."

"We are at a tipping point. The Syrian people do not want the future to be one of bloodshed and division. Yet the killings continue and the abuses are still with us today."

More than 10,000 people have died in the uprising against Assad and a crackdown by his loyalists, which began in March last year as part of a wave of revolts across the Arab world.

Western leaders have loudly called for Assad to go for months, but have so far shown little appetite for the sort of armed intervention that toppled Libya's Muammar Gaddafi last year. Any suggestion that force might be threatened has been blocked at the U.N. Security Council by Moscow and Beijing.

French President Francois Hollande said armed intervention could not be ruled out, but only with Security Council support.

"Military intervention is not excluded, provided it is carried out under the auspices of international law, namely a Security Council resolution," he told France 2 TV. "It is down to myself and others to convince Russia and China, and also to find a solution which is not necessarily a military one."

White House spokesman Jay Carney said the United States had not taken any options - including military intervention - off the table, but believed armed action was not the right course at present because it would lead to greater carnage and chaos.

Moscow backed a non-binding U.N. Security Council text on Sunday criticizing the use of artillery and tanks in Houla, but has twice vetoed tougher resolutions. It has shown little sign of changing its stance this week.

Vladimir Chizhov, Moscow's envoy to the EU, criticized the Western expulsions of Syrian envoys: "I believe it rarely is conducive to maintaining dialogue with the other side."

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Moscow was "alarmed that some countries ... are starting to use this event as an excuse to put forth demands of the need for military action in an attempt to put pressure on the U.N. Security Council."

"We are troubled by the ceaseless attempts to frustrate Kofi Annan's peace plan."

Annan urged the armed opposition to cease violence but appealed first to the government, as the stronger party, to take "bold steps now - not tomorrow, now" by stopping all military operations and showing "maximum restraint".

The plan calls for the government to withdraw all heavy weapons from towns and cities, followed by a cessation of fighting and dialogue with the opposition, but has stalled at the first hurdle.

Assad's government denied having anything to do with the deaths in Houla, or even having heavy weapons in the area, despite the contrary evidence found by United Nations monitors.

Assad himself repeated to Annan Syria's line that "terrorist groups" - Syria's term for the rebels - were stepping up killings and kidnappings across the country.

Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad told reporters: "Syria has not committed a single violation of Annan's plan or the initial understanding between Syria and the United Nations.

"At the same time, the other party has not committed to a single point. This means that there is a decision by the armed groups and the opposition not to implement Annan's plan and to make it fail."

The estimated number of internally displaced Syrians has more than doubled to 500,000 since an April 12 ceasefire and the flow of refugees abroad has gathered pace again, U.N. officials said on Tuesday.


U.N. monitors found spent shells and fresh tank tracks in Houla, evidence of weaponry that Syria's lightly-armed rebels do not have in their arsenal.

But the U.N. human rights office in Geneva said the bulk of the 108 mostly civilian dead in Houla had been executed at close range. Survivors told U.N. investigators that the killers were pro-Assad "shabbiha" militiamen, who in the past have assaulted and intimidated hotbeds of opposition to Assad.

"What is very clear is that this was an absolutely abominable event that took place in Houla, and at least a substantial part of it were summary executions of civilians - women and children," said Rupert Colville, spokesman for the U.N. human rights office in Geneva.

He said 49 children and 32 women were among the dead. "At this point, it looks like entire families were shot in their houses."

The report was at odds with a note sent by Syria to the Security Council that said: "Not a single tank entered the region and the Syrian army was in a state of self-defense ...

"The terrorist armed groups ... entered with the purpose of killing and the best proof of that is the killing by knives, which is the signature of terrorist groups who massacre according to the Islamist way."

Gruesome video footage distributed by opposition activists has helped to shake world opinion out of growing indifference to a conflict in which more than 10,000 have been killed.

Opposition sources said rebels had killed 20 soldiers in heavy fighting close to the border with Turkey.

They said six civilians and six rebels, including two commanders, had also been killed over the past 24 hours in fighting that began when the army launched an offensive with tanks and helicopters to retake the region around Atareb.

(Writing by Kevin Liffey and Peter Graff; Editing by Jon Hemming)

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Windows XP Costs Microsoft Five Times More To Support Than Windows 7

Microsoft XP Support Costs RisingIn April 2012 Microsoft released a statement in which the tech firm told organizations that if they have not yet began migrating from Windows XP to Windows 7 they should begin immediately or soon lose support for the 13 year old operating system.

In a rather frank statement Microsoft told customers that if they had not started?the migration to a modern PC, you are late.?

Microsoft will completely abandon Windows XP in April 2014 even though 42 percent of Windows? non-home installed base continues to operating using the Windows XP system. Microsoft predicts that 11 percent of Windows users will still be running Windows XP when security patches stop in 2014.

Windows XP will finally be completely orphaned by Microsoft with no further support or patches in April 2014, nearly 13 years after it launched.

According to the report, 42 percent of Windows? non-home installed base continues remains on Windows XP. If current migration trends continue, 11 percent of all Windows users will still be running XP when the security patches stop in 2014.

In a white paper published on the?official Microsoft blog?the company points to a three-year hardware lifetime while pointing out that information technology workers? time and worker productivity costs jump by 25 and 23 percent respectively in year four. When technology reaches year five those costs increase by 29 percent for IT and 40 percent for worker costs. One of the biggest costs appears to be support time losses since workers are typically supporting users with older, slower computers compared to Windows 7 PCs.

In the meantime the new upgrade requirement will cost IT teams as they may need to create new compatible software for badge printers, industrial controllers or security hardware.

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Analysis: Silence speaks for John Edwards jury

The judge in the John Edwards trial calls a closed door meeting with jurors on Friday. NBC's Gabe Gutierrez reports.

By Hampton Dellinger, Special to NBC News


It?s official: Jurors in the John Edwards trial do not think they are deciding a simple case.

If all 12 of the North Carolinians judging the former U.S. senator thought it was clear Edwards broke the law when billionaire buddies Fred Baron and Rachel ?Bunny? Mellon supported his mistress and his former political-aide-turned-faux-father of the Edwards-Rielle Hunter baby, they would not be starting a seventh day of deliberations. And it is not just the duration of deliberations that suggests uncertainty; during nearly every courtroom entrance for the past week, jurors have worn furrowed brows and grim visages. They have made specific requests for dozen of exhibits and readily accepted the presiding judge?s offer to have every exhibit ? hundreds in all -- brought into the jury room.?

Even if the final answer is ?guilty,? the time and trouble the jurors are taking to render a verdict suggests that one or more of them will describe the decision of whether to find Edwards guilty of violating the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) as a close call.? Which raises the question: Should a jury be making such a call at all, given that the two arms of the federal government that are expert in campaign finance violations ? the Federal Election Commission and the Justice Department?s Public Integrity Section ? appear to disagree on whether Edwards? conduct was unlawful?


The FEC-DoJ split was highlighted in motions filed just before testimony ended. The defense requested the opportunity to play for the jury a tape recording of the FEC?s July 2011 audit hearing where it closed the books on John Edwards for President, Inc. despite the DoJ?s pending indictment of the candidate. The six FEC Commissioners voted unanimously in favor of closing the books after Commissioner Donald McGahn stated that ?I can say it. (The Mellon and Baron money) it?s ?? my view it?s not reportable (as a campaign contribution).?

Hampton Dellinger

Hampton Dellinger, a litigation partner with Robinson Bradshaw & Hinson of Charlotte and Chapel Hill, N.C., is former deputy attorney general of North Carolina and has taught election law at Duke University Law School. In 2008, he sought the Democratic nomination for lieutenant governor of North Carolina.

Edwards also sought to introduce a 2009 Justice Department letter stating that, as a general rule, DoJ would only bring criminal charges in limited situations: ?The application of the law to the facts of a matter must at the very least be clear, and there must be no doubt that the (Federal Election) commission considers that the underlying conduct presents a FECA offense.?

Government attorneys opposed Edwards? motions and Judge Catherine Eagles ruled in prosecutors? favor.? Eagles also denied defense efforts to present two former FEC chairs prepared to testify that in their expert opinions, Edwards?s conduct did not rise to the level of a civil infraction, much less criminal wrongdoing.

Even without the former FEC chairs and the 2011 FEC audit hearing tape, the continuing deliberations are evidence that the ?application of the law to the facts? of the Edwards matter is not as far as the jury is concerned.? And because the arguments over what evidence would be admitted took place outside the jury?s presence, jurors don?t know what they don?t know about the FEC?s and DoJ?s varying views.?

Full trial coverage from NBC News and

Meanwhile, critics of the prosecution continue to suggest that if the federal government is going to throw the book at someone, particularly when the criminal statute at issue requires a ?knowing and willful? violation, it seems more fair to hit the person in the face rather than in the back of the head.?

Of course, the only view that matters is that of the jury. The verdict, and any descriptions jurors are willing to give on how they reached it, will offer a measure of finality (at least pending the outcome of an appeal if the decision is ?guilty?) if not clarity.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

What does it cost to have business insurance? | AtWola

I want to start a carpentry business, so I would need to be insured. Where would I go to get insured and how expensive sould it be? Also, any other tips related to the carpentry business would be helpful! thanks!

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Misha Lyuve: Lessons From the Diva

Mona was a diva. She carried her white-drizzled-with-black-spots fur with significance. She moved with slow grace and even the way she jumped on the wooden table where her food was had a whim of royalty.

I met Mona in the house we rented for the weekend in upstate New York where she was a cat.


Mona didn't require attention all the time, but when she did -- she requested it, or I could say demanded it. She started by walking towards me meowing. Then she rubbed against my leg and jumped on the sofa. She wiggled her sides against my shoulder and pushed her head against my hand. The next thing I knew, she was sitting on my lap and my hand was going back and forth through her fur. Mona was purring. That continued for some time. Then Mona jumped off my lap and, as if nothing had happened, slowly went minding her own business. I admit, for a moment I felt used.

My meeting with Mona occurred the day after I lead my first session on the topic How to live a work-of-art life while working in my company, a large consulting firm. It is great to talk about dreams, creative projects and discuss what brings passion to one's life. But it takes more than words to organize your life so that it has qualities of a work of art -- like being willing to ask for what you need. That was one of the concerns that came up during the session.

Your work-of-art life will depend on your requests and negotiations with your bosses and coworkers, friends and family. You should consider taking lessons from Mona. She gets what she needs.


The original posting "A lesson from the Diva" can be found at ART BEAUTY LIFE blog.

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Monday, May 28, 2012

HBT: Oswalt now 'looking for biggest payday'

FOX Sports? Ken Rosenthal received?an update Sunday from an executive of a team with ongoing interest in free agent right-hander Roy Oswalt:

?I?m not sure it?s the same price for everyone, but I think he is looking for the biggest payday,? said the exec. ?In the winter, proximity to home (in Weir, Mississippi) was most important. Now, it seems like it?s dollars.?

Oswalt was hoping to sign with either the Rangers or Cardinals this past offseason, but neither team made an offer to his liking.

And he?s now apparently looking to cash in without a real concern over where he lands.?The Phillies, Rangers and Red Sox have worked him out recently, and the Dodgers, Brewers and Orioles have also been linked.

Oswalt, 34, posted?a 3.69 ERA, 1.34 WHIP and 93/33 K/BB ratio in 139 innings last year for Philadelphia.

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

6 Hot Restaurant Trends for Start-ups | InBaoGao

What?s sizzling on diners? plates this year? The National Restaurant Association put together a list after surveying almost 1,800 of the country?s best chefs. Here?s are the trends they?re cooking up.

The bad news is that consumer taste buds are fickle and are continuously evolving. The good news? No one said your menu must be a stagnant document. Starting a restaurant featuring the latest food craze can be lucrative (think Jamba Juice or Pinkberry) and might just have staying power. The National Restaurant Association put together the What?s Hot in 2012 list, after surveying almost 1,800 chefs in the country. Check out these ideas for what you should cook up this year.

The top two slots of this survey go to locally sourced and produced foods: meats, seafood, and produce. ?People are more interested in what?s on their plate and where it comes from,? says the National Restaurant Association?s Annika Stensson. ?So it?s not just eating to satisfy hunger, it?s also an interest in what you actually ingest.? Manhattan?s Bell Book & Candle takes this to an extreme: The restaurant uses a pulley to bring its produce from its rooftop garden to the kitchen.

Those with food allergies may find it easier to eat out now, as 75% of chefs have indicated catering to these needs as the No. 7 trend this year. ?It?s not just a preference,? Stensson says. ?It can be a medical condition, so being in the hospitality business, we want to make sure our guests are happy, and that they have a safe and enjoyable meal.? Chicago?s Vinci even offers an entire gluten-free menu, from appetizers to desserts.

Of course local foods are in style, but locally produced alcohol is also gaining traction?and restaurants that serve local wine and beer feeling the boost. This movement is gaining so much traction that there are even statewide events featuring the best local spirits. Virginia announced March as the Wine & Dine Month, encouraging visitors and residents alike to drink wine produce locally.

Sustainable seafood?which has to do with how the fish are caught?and less-traditional fish, such as Branzino and Arctic Char, are making waves on menus this year. Tataki, a sustainable sushi bar, opened up in 2008 in San Francisco, selling only responsibly sourced and environmentally friendly seafood. The restaurant also participates in the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch?s Cooking for Solutions event, which invites restaurants and celebrity chefs to speak about how to protect the ocean.

Meals on wheels have been around for a while, but more and more chefs are now recognizing opening a food truck as a solid business venture. In fact, 61% of those surveyed by the National Restaurant Association said they would consider launching a food truck. Stensson says adopting this method is a good way to break into the industry because it?s far less expensive than a full brick-and-mortar operation. It?s not just for newbies, though: Consider Luke?s Lobster, which has expanded to five locations in just three years. And now it?s not just the lobster that?s on a roll: Luke?s latest location is a fully mobile truck.

The American palette has been exposed to ethnic food for several decades now?in fact, ?certain cuisines have been around for so long, they?re not considered ethnic anymore,? Stensson says. This year, the survey identified Peruvian, Southeast Asian, and very specific regional flavors?think, Szechuan or Cantonese, for example?as hot items. Read more about the full-service restaurant industry as part of Inc.?s 2012 Best Industries for Starting a Business coverage. ?Erin Kim

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IBM 24R1922 LTO 3 Tape By Means Of Brilliant Features

This article has been viewed 12 times.

International Business Machines Corporation Or simply IBM is most recognized computing firm in the world. Established in 1911 and since then IBM contributes in all sorts of computing new developed technologies, For last hundred years IBM providing technology, software, Computer Hardware, computing solutions, hosting, infrastructure and consulting services as well as originator of many computer related technologies. IBM developed Data storage devices back in early 50s, when IBM developed world first data storage magnetic tape which was in Open format and with single reel type. Since then IBM developed many type of storage devices with various shapes and sizes. In mid 90s IBM contributes with HP and Quantum and developed a storage format called LTO linear Tape Open which is based on magnetic tape technology using Ultrium standard. In Year 2000 first LTO1 tape was introduced by IBM and other LTO consortium members. IBM 08L9120 LTO 1 offers 100-200 GB data storage capacity with 20-40 MB/Sec data transfer speed, IBM also introduced enhanced data security and reliable features in its LTO 1 tape. IBM 08L9870 LTO 2 improved with more data capacity with 200-400 GB and data transfer speed with 40-80 MB/Sec and improved other basic features in IBM LTO2 tapes. IBM 24R1922, is the third generation of LTO Ultrium technology which offers more reliable, efficient, durable and excellent services with more security and long term working ability. IBM LTO3 tape, improved with more data storage ability with 400 GB native and 800 GB compressed which give significantly a boosts to LTO technology tape format, and this improvement absolutely help full in coming generations of LTO storage tapes. IBM 24R1922 LTO 3 tape, also improved with data transfer speed with 80 MB/Sec native and 160 MB/Sec compressed this speed improvement is well matched with massive storage capacity. Both these LTO impressive improvements give more benefits to SMBs. IBM 24R1922 LTO-3 tape, included with many basic features and improved these basic components in this LTO 3 tape Memory Chip is one of the basic components of LTO technology and it is well improved in IBM 24R1922 LTO-3 tapes, LTO-CM is offers very reliable services with fast distribution storage data of LTO 3 cartridge with LTO Ultrium 3 tape drive with safe and reliable approach during load and unload functions. IBM LTO 3 tape, improved its coating technique and used very small and thinner metal particles which make base film more smoother and thinner and offers more data storage opportunity with increase data tracks 704 and improved tape length with 680M long. IBM LTO 3 Tapes, enhanced with new security feature, WORM function Write Once Read Many which protect storage data from unauthorized access and preserved data from rewriting once data written in WORM functions then it is almost difficult to modify data. IBM LTO3 tape, improved with more compatibility with LTO Ultrium tape drives and IBM LTO has ability to communicate with tape drive via Radio Frequency, with backward read and write ability. IBM LTO3 tapes, is a smart cartridge and it is part of IBM which offers more reliability, Data Integrity and durability with more than 30 years.
IBM offers its 3rd generation IBM 24R1922 with more data storage ability and fast data transfer quality.
HP, Quantum, Imation, Fuji, Sony, Maxell, TDK and IBM 24R1922 LTO 3 tapes are available at

John Richard is the marketing manager of Digital Devices and publish article on IBM24r1922 tape. John Richard 22 Marsh Hall, Talisman Way, Wembley, Middlesex HA9 8JJ , Great Britain Phone +44 (0) 207 993 4783 Fax +44 (0) 207 993 8320 Email lto3 tape | ibm24R1922

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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Video: U.S. Pakistan rift over conviction of doctor

It?s been a tough year for Pakistan U.S. relations. Crucial NATO supply routes have been shuttered since November, there is tension over drone strikes and now the countries are at odds over the treason conviction of the Pakistani doctor who helped the U.S. locate Osama Bin Laden.?

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Friday, May 25, 2012

Business Solution Ware 7 Steps to Being Profitable Internet ...

Internet Business

Hello how are you? Miguel Araujo greets you my last article titled, Recommendation To Change Google Penguin for Your Backlinks Anchor Text, a critical article about the new google update, I recommend 100% to read it.

Now in this new post we talk about profitable online businesses and what steps you must follow to make your online business succeed and will generate money online that is why we are all in this industry.

But before moving to the 7 steps that I will mention, I have something in your mind very clear, we?re all in this industry to make money somehow, there are many ways to do it, but not all can work for you .

Let me explain better, I am an expert in SEO, I work to position blogs on the first page of google for which a monthly fee, do an excellent job with which I earn money online, now that I do and I generate income you mean that you will work the same way.

Not because you can not do, but because you have made clear that for the SEO will generate income and have a profitable online business, you have to learn to do and get results.

For that you have to prepare, study, practice and fail because you learn from mistakes.

Now that I left that clear, I can share the 7 Steps to online business profitable.
7 Steps to Profitable Internet Business

A. ? How to choose what kind of internet business you want to do and which have the potential for better speak fluently, this is very important, not because being a programmer you leave money to start writing programming if you know nothing about these issues .

2. ? Make tests before, suppose you chose to enter the niche of selling third-party products, make a blog with wordpress, blogger etc..

Start writing about these topics in these free blogs, upload videos to youtube, other different video platforms and see what results you obtained in about 3, 4 or 5 months.

3. If you can do it again, you like the topic, you learn to master, you can unwrap it and help people, then it goes to another level.

4. ? What I mentioned in step 3 is very important to help people get the more aids more business online, this does not mean you give them everything for free, but good information on which they see that you are helping them achieve their goal.

5. ? Buy a domain with your name or preferably with the keyword and show yourself as the expert you are and share your knowledge in this online business blog.

Having our own domain of payment makes you different from others, or tell me how can you talk about internet business and make money online if they have to buy your own domain and pay for your hosting?

6. ? Get your auto-responder with which you are creating your database, but before you get your autoresponder creates a free mini course you will give in exchange for your visitor data.

This way you can go step by step to grow this list over time and the way you relate to you the list you will generate revenue in your business online.

7. ? Do not forget to follow them to share information and offer your services, this is very important because if you do not offer your services as your list will know you are offering something.

Not that you?ll remember it every day, but once a month or every two months you can send them details of what you do.

This is something that many do not for fear of being out of the list, if they get on your list do not stress, just think that this person wanted all free and you was taking place in your list, rather than one that can generarte some income in your online business can take.

Sorry if I did some extensive this article just wanted you to have in your mind these 7 steps to having a profitable business, in another article I will share more information on internet business.

As always I hope to share your comments or opinions Work out a question about this topic.

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

SocialStock Wants To Turn Social Networking Into Real-World Rewards

website_screenshot_2What good is a Foursquare check-in if it doesn't lead to a coupon or freebie? Why bother tweeting about a brand you like if they don't acknowledge your undying love and loyalty? With TechCrunch Disrupt finalist SocialStock, those types of actions may now be rewarded...or at least that's the company's vision. The service, founded by Subbu Rama, aims to be a stock market for people and places which assigns a point value to users' social networking actions.?Mimicking?the framework of a real stock market, those actions become shares and then those shares can turn into real-world rewards from participating business or brands.

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NASA Goddard delivers magnetometers for NASA's next mission to Mars

ScienceDaily (May 22, 2012) ? Magnetometers built by scientists and engineers at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. for NASA's Mars Atmosphere And Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) mission have been delivered to the University of California at Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory for integration into the Particles and Field Package.

"The team worked hard and completed delivery of the magnetometers on schedule," said Jack Connerney, Magnetometer Instrument Lead from NASA Goddard. "We are looking forward to launch, orbit insertion and seeing the data come back."

The pair of flux gate magnetometers measures the magnetic field at the location of the spacecraft. As part of the Particles and Fields Package, the magnetometer sensors are positioned at the outermost ends of the solar panels to keep them as far away as possible from stray magnetic fields generated by the spacecraft. Since the motion of escaping charged particles is governed by the magnetic field, this measurement is important in understanding how the solar wind interacts with the planet's atmosphere and causes loss to space.

"The geometry of the magnetic field determines where particles go to and where they come from," said Connerney."If we want to understand particle motion, we need to visualize how the magnetic field behaves throughout the Mars environment."

Scheduled for launch in late 2013, MAVEN will be the first mission devoted to understanding the martian upper atmosphere. The goal of MAVEN is to determine the history of the loss of atmospheric gases to space through time, providing answers about Mars climate evolution. By measuring the current rate of escape to space and gathering enough information about the relevant processes, scientists will be able to infer how the planet's atmosphere evolved in time.

The instrument is powered on during the spacecraft cruise to Mars. Once powered, it has a heart that beats once per second. Every second, the instrument sends a packet of data to the Particles and Fields Package. Each packet includes 32 vector samples of the magnetic field. The Particles and Fields Package accepts the data and passes it on to the spacecraft. The magnetic field vectors are also made available to the other instruments onboard the spacecraft in real time.

MAVEN's magnetometers were designed by a Goddard team that has a long and varied history with building magnetometers for space research. They have provided instruments for many previous and upcoming planetary and heliophysics missions.

The MAVEN spacecraft will carry three instrument suites. The Particles and Fields Package, built by the University of California at Berkeley with support from University of Colorado at Boulder's Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (CU/LASP) and NASA Goddard, contains six instruments that will characterize the solar wind and the ionosphere of the planet. The Remote Sensing Package, built by CU/LASP, will determine global characteristics of the upper atmosphere and ionosphere. The Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer, provided by NASA Goddard, will measure the composition and isotopes of neutral ions.

"The magnetometer is the first of the science instruments to be completed and delivered," said Bruce Jakosky, MAVEN Principal Investigator from CU/LASP. "It's really exciting to see the payload now starting to come together. This is an important milestone in our path toward getting to Mars and using our measurements to answer questions about the history of the martian atmosphere."

NASA Goddard manages the project and is building two of the science instruments for the mission. In addition to the principal investigator coming from CU/LASP, the university provides science operations, is building science instruments, and leads education/public outreach. Lockheed Martin of Littleton, Colo., is building the spacecraft and is responsible for mission operations. The University of California at Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory is building science instruments for the mission. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., provides navigation support, the Deep Space Network, and the Electra telecommunications relay hardware and operations.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Home health care san antonio - HEALTH, BEAUTY & FITNESS

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

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Monday, May 21, 2012

Important Things About IPhone 4 Screen Protector | TJ Technology ...

An iPhone 4 Screen Protector minimizes annoying, mirror-like reflections from indoor lighting or sunlight.? With screen protector, you get some added protection against scrapes.? Just ensure that you remove air bubbles.? Price of screen protector differs depending on display size.? Dropping your cellphone and busting the display, however, isn?t the best way to break it. Carelessly throwing a phone in your pocket with keys, change and knives can damage it more than you would believe. This is where screen covers or even full body wraps are important.

Cell phones are touch hypersensitive. It is completely essential that you use screen protector on your gadgets to elongate their lifespan and keep them looking fresh. It is usually a pain to get something to guard your screen that you need to cut yourself, because it?s hard to get a straight line and troublesome to get it to the precise size without cutting it way too short.

Screen protectors are here to stay because high-tech phones continue coming.? Wireless communication is the transfer of information; voice, text or mass media, from one place to another without the use of electrical conductors or wires thus the term wireless. Wireless communication is possible through radio frequency communication, microwave communication or via infrared, which is an electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths longer than a red visible light but shorter than radio waves.

For cell phones, wireless communication operates by sending radio signals to the nearest cell tower within the user?s location. In turn, the mobile tower transmits the radio signals to the receiving cellular telephone. But if the receiver isn?t a mobile phone but a home phone or land line, the cell phone radio signals from the cell tower are sent to a mobile switching centre instead and then transmitted to the telephone company. The signals then travel over telephone lines to reach the home phone or land line. Being connected to the Internet when using your laptops in a Wi-Fi zone is comparable in principle. It also makes use of radio waves, but what happens is that the radio waves are converted to 1s and 0s for the computer to comprehend.

You will need to clean your iPhone 4 screen protector. If there is dirt, stains or glue residue on your screen guard when it came from the factory, put a little small drop of oil or adhesive remover onto a piece of tissue or cloth and make use of that part of the tissue/cloth to gently clean the screen protector?s surface. Don?t pour chemicals onto the screen guard itself as it could overflow and seep into your device. Avoid scrubbing hard on the screen protector if it hasn?t been applied to a screen, and steer clear of bending it or folding it sharply. The iPhone 4 Screen Protectors will look after your phone from getting scratches when you stick it in your purse or pocket.

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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Even though as a rule all the lenses are actually employed to ...

Your eye area are classified as the almost all oral benefits in a very human being. There?s a approach or displaying men and women each and every disposition. Any time getting a dialog with someone you know, you might be certainly enthusiastic about the color contacts without prescription eyeballs. Here is the make associated with real truth, and a actual connection isn?t feasible with out researching your eyes. Vision are very often one of the best offer which will humans contain. Everything else people no longer a man or woman, you could be required to recall ones own eyes.

Presently, among the many ?hot, new? accessories happen to be non-prescription contacts camera lenses. Typically the acquaintances are an easy way to manufacture a new look. The interest colors has become the most distinct plus beautiful functions folks have. Evolving the interest rate color selection supplies you the capability to try an innovative seem. Several individuals are usually turning to for the purpose of to learn the amazing change for better. Typically the friends lense are manufactured employing superior quality fabrics in innovative construction features.

A lot of people long been being dressed in associates for several years. When usually the particular friends have been useful to boost eye-sight, today, aged to get beauty explanations. Individuals that will need vision enlargement may also have remedial colors friends. The actual clients are safe for that sight, but it is important to consult an eye fixed health care professional well before using color contact lenses. Observation browse is definitely advices for people with wonderful vision. You will find tinted associates specifically suitable for individuals with black sight, especially those with medium sized eye as well as with the help of light-weight eyeballs. You can find a dyed connections selection for every person.

Outfits wardrobe, or maybe picking a wild hair color selection, they have been needed to choose the colorations this go with varieties vision. With the latest associates, men and women may now pay for attire in just about every color selection accessible, even though dyeing their head of hair any sort of coloring, devoid of qualifing for the ?it does not go along with your current eyes? search. Selecting the shaded clients is not difficult, there?s a lot of opportunities available on the web plus in attention hospitals. The colour connections are a great way to help re-invent your personal style, and now have get to be the most recent attractiveness development. While using the friends to accessorize the eyes, is actually becoming more popular among men and women.

The color acquaintances for cosmetic intentions come in several types, and they also virtually all haven?t any electricity, which describes why these are non-prescription. Its having said that crucial for you to understand the eye doctor to acheive information about how to tend them in regards to obtain the ideal or suitable accommodate. This really is very important to the best health and fitness in the vision.

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Broadway cast's One Direction lip-sync goes viral

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Cyber Crime Conference Helping Authorities Solve Crime In Digital ...

COON RAPIDS, Minn. (WCCO) ? For decades, police could only use old gumshoe and physical evidence to solve most crimes. Then the laboratory breakthrough of DNA evidence was added to the detective?s arsenals. But it was only in the mid-2000s that police forensics entered the digital age, ushering in a new era as fingerprints turned electronic.

Detective Brian Hill, of Anoka County, works in the county?s computer forensics lab, a state-of-the-art laboratory where computers, hard drives and cell phones are connected to hardware that downloads and copies data potentially useful to solving a crime.

Nearly half of all area cases that a detective works on are performed, to some degree, in that lab.

?[Lab work] may give me GPS coordinates, Facebook logs or internet history searches,? Hill said.

To help other agencies tap into the growing and useful technology, Microsoft and the Anoka County Attorney?s Office are holding a two-day Cyber Crime and Computer Forensics Conference, at Anoka-Ramsey Community College in Coon Rapids.

Some 80 area law enforcement personnel, police, investigators and prosecutors are taking the crash course in accessing and deciphering electronic data.

Anoka County Attorney Tony Palumbo said the conference will give investigators and prosecutors the tools to track the electronic trail of evidence left by criminals.

Through evidence like cell phone text messages, dialed and missed calls, computer emails, web pages and GPS (global positioning satellite) tracking, investigators can often find irrefutable evidence that?s crucial to proving a case. The benefits of such evidence were recently demonstrated in the high-profile criminal cases of Amy Senser, Tom Petters and Denny Hecker.

If stored electronic data is crucial to solving a crime, Microsoft?s Digital Crimes Unit can often give investigators what they need to find it.

Microsoft?s Craig Schmidt used the old teach-a-man-to-fish metaphor to explain how Microsoft is teaching local law enforcement personnel.

?We?re giving them that context so they can do it for themselves,? he said.

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Friday, May 18, 2012

Handy Tips To Help You Make The Most Of Wooden Garden Sheds

Article Directory :: Home & Family Articles

There are several important things that you have to consider if you want to make the most of wooden garden sheds. Apparently, outdoor storage sheds made from wood offer a lot of astonishing features and benefits. However, some people don't really know how to maintain its beauty and durability. For this reason, they often find themselves not enjoying the kind of shed that they have. If you don't want to end up with wooden garden sheds that don't seem to last a lifetime, here are some tips to consider:

Choose a versatile design.

Find free shed plans that will allow you to make several modifications. If possible, think about the future or the other potential use of your wooden garden shed before building one. This way, you can make proper adjustments to the plan, particularly if you wish to incorporate additional fixtures as time goes by. Most skilled and experienced DIYers formulate their own shed plan so they can easily modify their designs. Seek help and advice from an expert so you can determine the best design for your garden.

Be responsible enough in maintaining your shed's appeal and functionality.

Search for the best ways to deal with maintenance and repair issues. You need to be aware of what needs to be done in order to keep your garden shed looking good as new for as long as possible. It's also imperative that you understand the dos and don'ts, particularly when it comes to the use and repair of your shed. Be careful with how you utilize your shed--handle with care. Your entire family should also be informed of the right ways to arrange and store your stuff inside the shed. Fix damages immediately.

Build your own. Choose the best materials.

Building wooden garden sheds from scratch is still the best way to be assured of its quality. Although you can always find high-quality outdoor storage sheds from reputable companies, nothing beats the assurance you can get from building your own garden shed. But of course, not all first time DIYers can complete a truly remarkable structure; especially if you choose to build a shed without the guidance of a professional. However, you can find lots of reliable instructional materials and free shed plans online.

When you want a shed that excels in appeal, functionality, durability and security, wooden garden sheds can give you everything that you need. Although you can get a hold of excellent pre-constructed sheds from numerous prominent manufacturers, building your own can give you more benefits than you can imagine. However, you need to plan carefully and research well so you can get the kind of shed that truly satisfies your needs and budget. Learn as much as you can to make the most of your garden shed.

Learn more about wooden garden sheds before deciding to build or buy one. Loads of resources can help you find free shed plans and the best manufacturers of remarkable wooden garden sheds. Take your time so you don't end up with a poor choice.

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

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Twitter / Michele Travierso: Sitting on a HK-bound airc ... Loader Sitting on a HK-bound aircraft. One hr after the original take off time, we still haven't push back slot. Chinese ATC, I hate you.

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Root Galaxy Note GT-N7000 On Android 4.0.3 ICS Without Increasing Flash Counter [How-To Tutorial]


Samsung?s half-smartphone half-tablet Galaxy Note recently received Android 4.0.3 Ice Cream Sandwich and there is good news for those of you who like to hack their devices: an easy-to-apply method has been unveiled that not only lets you gain root access to your Galaxy Note but also do it so without increasing the flash counter that causes a yellow ! sign to show up at boot time. We?ve prepared a step-by-step guide that you can follow right after the jump!



The news comes straight from the Galaxy Note forum on XDA-Developers ? a popular mobile software development community ? in the form of a thread posted by developer deathst in which they discuss the method and how to go about applying it.

DISCLAIMER: Redmond Pie will not be held responsible for any loss of data or any damage incurred to your device in the following of this guide. Proceed at your own risk.

Important Note: There are reports of Galaxy Note devices being permanently bricked due to some bug in Samsung?s ICS kernel. To counter this, the developer suggests that you do not take NANDroid backups or restore using one.

Step 1: Download the following files from the official thread [XDA-Developers]:


Place all these files directly under /sdcard on your device?s internal memory.

Step 2: Shutdown your device. Once it is completely shut down, press and hold Volume Down + Power + Home?buttons until you see a screen asking you to press to press Volume Up. Press said button to complete booting into Recovery Mode.

Step 3: Select apply update from external storage and then navigate to where you placed Select it.

Step 4: Your device should now boot into ClockworkMod (CWM) Recovery.

Step 5: From CWM, choose install zip from sdcard > choose zip from sdcard >

Step 6: From main menu of CWM, choose reboot system now.

If you followed the steps correctly, your Samsung Galaxy Note International GT-N7000 will now be rooted on Android 4.0.3 ICS.

Galaxy Note ICS

For queries and help with unrooting your now rooted Galaxy Note, please visit the official thread linked to in Step 1.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Real Housewives of New Jersey Recap: Drowning Pool

Here comes the drama.

Hanging out by the pool. Doesn't that sound relaxing? Yes, unless you're on The Real Housewives of New Jersey. Then it's pretty much the exact opposite.

Then you'll probably need a stiff drink to get through an afternoon in the sun.

We recap all the fussing, feuding, and name calling in our THG's +/- recap!

Teresa G. Photo

How can you not love Caroline's mock phone call between Teresa and Joe? It was hilarious. Plus 10

And why does Caroline think Teresa hates Melissa. Because "she's a better, younger version" of Teresa. Plus 8. That sounds about right.

But as everyone else is discussing Teresa's behavior, Teresa is telling her husband her version of the Solstice party and Joe has some definite opinions.

First, Melissa is a horse-face, gold digging tramp. Caroline is boring. Rosie's a butchy boy, and the idiot cousin (I can only assume he means Kathy ... no offense to Kathy) looks like a frog. 

Joe Guidice certainly has an opinion about everyone but the scariest is the one he holds about himself. He tells Teresa he's the powerhouse and she doesn't need anyone else. Minus 12. What happens when they haul his sorry butt off to jail again?

Oh, and Teresa says her brother is a little pansy for telling his wife about their conversation. How can you not love family?

But Teresa's not just sitting around bad mouthing her family. She's off to Jacqueline's for some gossip and a session with personal trainer Jolene. 


Why does Jolene have an open bottle of wine in her bag?  I've never known a trainer her brought her own cocktails. Minus 7. Besides, you should never hire a personal trainer who shows up wearing that much makeup to workout.

On a side note, was anyone else blinded by the amount of bling on Teresa's phone. Minus 5. My eyes are still watering.

Let's leave the train wreck that is Teresa for a bit to visit with Caroline's family.

It almost made me sick to think that Chris was buying an $80,000 car. It disturbed me so much that I was grateful when Albert gave Caroline the Jag as her anniversary present. Plus 7.

But it wasn't the overpriced car that earns them the big points. Plus 20 for walking us down memory lane at The Brownstone. Looking back at their first years living over the restaurant and raising their new family was so sweet. These two truly love one another 27 years later.

Unfortunately, the Teresa free zone doesn't last long. Kathy invites the entire gang over for the end of the school year party. 

Plus 12 to Rich for warning the kids not to invite their friends. He can see the warning signs ahead and he's getting the innocents out of the way.

Caroline and Jacqueline both bail and plus 10 for Joe Guidice not showing up. That truly would have been a nightmare.

Here We Go Again

For some reason Kathy thinks she can be the glue that will bring the Guidices and the Gorgas back together. Minus 12. Oh honey, let it go.

Teresa and her brother have a mini summit as Melissa runs around after the kids. Teresa tells Joe he's no longer her brother because of what he's done. She wants him to be the old Joe. The one that always put her first and spent lots of time at her house.

Hmm…uh, what part of being married and having kids doesn't Teresa get. Minus 15. The man has a wife and a family yet she seems to think he should be his priority. Oye.

He's just the meanest brother ever! 

Unfortunately Gorga ruins the moment by telling her he's an angel from God. Apparently low self esteem isn't a problem in this family.

I think that's enough pool time. It's going to be a long, hot summer in Jersey.


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'Dark Knight Rises': How Much Will 'Knightfall' Factor In?

The Weekly Rising takes a closer look at the comic inspiration for Christopher Nolan's final Batman film.
By Kevin P. Sullivan

<i>Batman</i> #497: The breaking of the Bat
Photo: DC Comics

Throughout his tenure as the commander of the big-screen Batman, Christopher Nolan, along with writing partners Jonathan Nolan and David S. Goyer, have pulled selectively from the vast library of books for inspiration in the films. "Batman Begins" borrowed a handful of elements from Frank Miller's "Batman: Year One," while "The Dark Knight" took some character notes from "The Long Halloween."

When it was announced that Bane would make his triumphant return as a respectable villain in the finale, "The Dark Knight Rises," comic books fans were just as quick to shout "Knightfall," in reference to the trilogy of stories that played out during 1993 and 1994. It appeared Nolan and company had found their inspiration, but what exactly would they use from those books?

The masked villain was the clear giveaway to "Knightfall" 's presence as an influence, and it's clear why. Bane only showed up on the DC Comics scene four months before the beginning of the "Knightfall" story line, and once the show got on the road, he made his introduction count. As he appears to be in "The Dark Knight Rises," the Bane of the comics was a hyper-intelligent behemoth of a man, capable of besting Bruce Wayne.

Prison Break
Part of Bane's plan in gaining the upper hand over Batman involved releasing all of Arkham Asylum's worst inmates on the city. Batman wears himself down, rounding up the likes of the Joker, the Scarecrow and Poison Ivy, and this series of bouts leaves him severely weakened when he finally has to face off against Bane in the Batcave, leading to the most significant scene from "Knightfall."

The Break
If Bane is remembered for anything, it is the central moment of "Knightfall" when he takes a physically and mentally exhausted Bruce Wayne and breaks his back with a knee to the spine. It was a critical blow in more than one sense of the word and significantly changed the shape of the Batman titles for years to come. The scant footage we have actually seen from "The Dark Knight Rises" hints that Christian Bale's Bruce Wayne does suffer some similar injury during the course of the film. He appears to be walking with a cane, and while we can't conclusively blame Bane, the timing sure is something!

Selina Kyle's appearance in both "Knightfall" and "The Dark Knight Rises" most likely is a coincidence, since her role in the former is not terribly significant. It does matter, however, that she attempts to help Bruce Wayne with his paralysis, demonstrating that there are many facets to her allegiances.

The New Batman
While Bruce Wayne was on the mend thanks to Bane's handiwork, a new Batman, Jean-Paul Valley, took up the cowl in his absence. Since the tag line of "The Dark Knight Rises" leaves little doubt that the "legend ends" with this final movie, fans have been pondering whether the new film will mean the death of Bruce Wayne. If that's the case, the symbol would have to live on. A new Dark Knight would have to rise.

Check out everything we've got on "The Dark Knight Rises."

For breaking news and previews of the latest comic book movies — updated around the clock — visit

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